Alchemical Constellation Work & House Therapy w/ Amy Babish

Similar to how our bodies talk to us to share what’s going on so we can seek help to heal—so, too, do our homes.

I met Amy Babish about 4 months ago in a mastermind for spiritual entrepreneurs.

What I was drawn to about Amy is that she is a jack-of-all-trades type of personality like myself. She's got this awesome, unique, diverse, and very eclectic vision and brand!

At the core of it all, Amy is a bridge between psychotherapy and spirituality.

Amy’s Astrology:

Pisces Rising + Sun | Cancer Moon

One of the things Amy is  really passionate about is helping people move through intergenerational patterns in a deeply supportive way. 

When our human is able to release tethers to stories that are living deep within our cells, we can begin to move forward, call in aligned opportunities, and make the greater impact in this world that our soul has been called here to do!

In this conversation, Amy dives into a couple key topics:

  • Alchemical Constellation Work—a process that allows for ancestral healing and is held in a group setting.

  • House Therapy and Feng Shui—where you connect with and heal the space in which you reside, even the land!

I encourage you to tune in to the entire conversation because there’s something potent in here for everyone!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • Why Amy prioritizes healing intergenerational patterns

  • The difference between constellation work and alchemical constellation work

  • How alchemical constellation work is supportive for clearing core wounds

  • Types of core wounds including family and cultural wounds

  • What a house therapy session with Amy is like

  • How Amy works with the 3 lucks of the Taoist Trilogy

  • The importance of working with the earth (i.e., ley lines, energetic portals)

  • How to use Feng Shui for newly built homes, rentals, etc.

  • What certain appliances and areas of the home represent

  • Power spots within the home related to different family members

  • A practice to get to know your home better (even if you’re couch surfing!)

  • How Amy’s astrology perfectly ties in with her work

  • Powerful ritual practices to clear energy in your home and invite in opportunities

This episode with Amy was incredibly eye opening for me—even as an energy healer and channel who’s done so much work already.

One thing that really captivated me in connecting with Amy is that her natal astrology chart absolutely ties in with her work. It’s literally written in the stars!

As a homeowner and investment property owner, I’m so grateful for the innovative approach Amy has and what she shared in this conversation! 

I can’t wait to connect with Amy for my episode on her podcast. Keep an eye out for that!

Meet Amy Babish

Amy Babish is a Somatic Coach and House Therapist with a focus on Feng Shui.which we're going to dive into this today, because she has such a unique, Innovative approach to this that I didn't even realize it was Feng Shui. She focuses on Alchemical Family and Systems Constellations. She’s been a facilitator for over 20 years in this field, a mentor, a licensed psychotherapist, credentialed art therapist, NLP mindset practitioner, intuitive, and relationship expert. 

Amy works with people who've plateaued in psychotherapy or mindset work and curates very customized experiences to support them and their lineage, community, and legacy as well as the collective. She is completely committed to social impact. Amy is living her best perimenopausal life outside Washington, D.C. in unceded Doeg land which she stewards with her Japanese teen, partner, and Golden Doodle.

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Mentioned Resources: 

Sam Garcia | The Dirty Alchemy

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  • Hello everybody. I have a really fun guest today that I know you guys are going to love. Her name is Amy Babish and I met Amy about four months ago because we are in a mastermind together with Sam Garcia of the Dirty Alchemy, which we'll drop her link in there. She's super great for any entrepreneurs.

    And so Amy and I have met in this community what I love about Amy is that she is kind of a jack of all trades type of personality like myself. I think she's just got this awesome, unique diversity, very eclectic.

    Vision and brand where she just bridges so much together and I am just excited to see where this conversation goes today. And so just a little bit about Amy is she is a somatic coach and house therapist, which is with a focus on Feng Shui, which we're going to dive into this today, because she has such a unique, Innovative approach to this that I didn't even realize it was Feng Shui.

    She also focuses on alchemical family and systems constellations. She has been a facilitator for over 20 years in this field, a mentor, a licensed psychotherapist, credential art, credentialed art therapist, NLP mindset practitioner, intuitive and relationship expert. She works with people who've plateaued in psychotherapy or mindset work and curates.

    Very customized experiences to support you and your lineage community and legacy as well as the collective She is completely committed to social impact Which is one of the things that really I felt stood out with amy because it's not only just about the work It's the social impact and values integrity joy aliveness and dismantling white supremacy She lives her best paramental life outside of Washington, D.

    C. in Doeg land where she is stewards with her Japanese teen partner in Golden Doodle. So you can even tell by this, like, how eclectic she is going. Like, she's going to bring so much diversity to this conversation. She has a Pisces writhing, a Pisces sun, and a Cancer moon with so much other really yummy medicine sprinkled in there.

    So Amy, hello. That is my bio about you. Why don't you share a little bit about yourself and how you do this magical work that you do? Well, I'm so excited to be here and I'm so grateful for our four months of know each other. And I can't wait to share more, uh, with your community listeners. So I have been on a big soul journey, which I'm, I feel very similar to probably many people listening to you.

    And I took a very traditional route for a long time. And then my soul has continually woken up at different points. And I, started to become like, I would say like more of my wholeness or more of my integration in 2020. And, from that point, more kind of weaving in of, modalities that I think I probably have done in other lifetimes, but my human in this lifetime was like, let's have a refresher course in some of these things.

    So I tend to work with people who on one hand, really trust. Very traditional things, and so they come to me because I am a licensed psychotherapist, even though I don't practice as a psychotherapist anymore. And then it's usually by word of mouth that people find me, and then they're open to, because I've helped this person or these people, they see the legitimacy of all the other things that I bring.

    And, I also work with a lot of people who, come from either, really conservative upbringings or really academic upbringings or very religious upbringings. And so they have also oftentimes experienced a lot of, power differentials and or abuse and betrayal with boundaries. And so it's really important when I began to work with someone, no matter how they came to me, what I can see is.

    potential, buckets of how I could help. It's really important that I take it one step at a time because most clients who come to see me have experienced something significant with, you told me this, but it's actually this. So like a bait and switch kind of experience. Yeah. So it's kind of like, what you do is really kind of, you're a bridge between being a psychotherapist and spirituality.

    So it's like, let me take you from tradition into this other spiritual realm that I'm connected with deeply. And just looking through your website and getting more of a feel, you do a lot of somatic work. I know you do. Chigong. You got it. You got it. It worked with me in that, when we did a little fun exchange at one point and that was really eye opening with the energy systems in the body and the house therapy, which to me is so intriguing.

    And you, one of the things I know you're really passionate about is intergenerational patterns and really helping people move through that. So like talk about that first, because I know that's something that's like big, it's a big topic for you. Yeah. So I think that there's a certain group of people who know about this didn't start with me.

    Like they see it in their, in their lineage, if it's adoptive or blood, and they see the patterns being passed down both the gifts and the challenges. And the way that I work is we kind of start with intention. And so It's always, you know, just like in terms of, I'm sure many of our listeners know about manifestation work, like the intention should always be forward moving.

    Like, it's not like we're doing this to get rid of something or to like, like smite it out. We're doing the work with the intention of wholeness, aliveness, something more, something generative. And so when I meet someone who, oftentimes people don't know they need to do inner, or they would benefit from intergenerational work, but they have thrown everything at it.

    They've done, you know, they've gone to mediumship, they've done tarot, they've done somatic work, they've done mindset work, and it's just not, it feels like nothing, it feels immovable. So that, that is oftentimes when I will employ, constellation work and The, the power of the way that I have been trained in constellation work is that traditionally constellation work.

    Hold on. I know everybody's going to be like, wait, wait, wait. What does that have to do with intergenerational stuff? So, constellation work comes from a person named Bert Heliger, and there's a lot of controversy about him. And so just like any field. the field expanded and other people kind of made it their own in some ways.

    So traditional constellation work means that you come with an intention. So let's just say that the intention is, I want to work through having a healthy relationship and all of the, men in my family seem to have healthy relationships, but the women just can't have a healthy relationship. And It doesn't make sense.

    Like, they love themselves. They know they're worthy. Like, nothing is making sense about why it can't happen for them. So, you can do the work one to one. I oftentimes will do it in groups. That's sometimes a bit more, like, it feels a bit more real for people. In essence, You have, representatives for different people in the family system.

    And so you don't have to do 23andMe, you don't have to know your family, you really don't have to know anything other than the intention. And that is, that's what sets the container. So with that, Oftentimes, like a very basic constellation would be, there's a representative for you, there's a representative for, as in a person, a person that's representing you, a person that's representing your mother, a person that's representing your father.

    So this would be in the group. Somebody in that group. Okay. All right. Gotcha. And, then we might have a representative for the intention. So when I previously did constellation work, we did it in a double blind setting. So. If it was your constellation, you would come to me and say, Hey, I want to do this work.

    Then we come back to the circle and we say, okay, we're going to do Rachelle's constellation. I need six representatives. So those six women would leave the circle and then you would name your intention aloud. So the representatives don't know anything about what your intention is. Only the people who are kind of like the witnesses will know.

    So then they come back in the room and we have like a forward facing part of the room and the back. We all know the first persons we're going to represent you. So then you go in and you feel which one of the four. I'm gonna put my hands on their shoulders and you guide them in the space and you go through each person and then it's a process of checking in with them somatically like what they know is sensation wise, what's present for them and what will happen is that things will kind of come to a standstill just like they are in your real life like this person isn't talking to this person and like sometimes it's like the person representing your intention it's like I can't see these other people I only want to pay attention to the representative for Rachel.

    So it will start to give you a lot of insight around what is happening in the system that you carry, that you have no conscious awareness of. And then with the other representatives, you bring in other supports. So the system will start to rearrange itself. And then what has been omitted, what has been kept secret, what has been a burden will then be taken back and made whole by the system.

    So then for your If it's your constellation, then you don't have to continue to carry that unresolved burden or unresolved secret. So how does that work in the group? So they're actually like representing different people in your family and how are they, so they have no idea about any of this, 

    so how, how do they come in and know what. It is that you are moving through. It's just, it's the power of intention and it's the power of what's held in the field. And so the field itself is with everything throughout all time and space. And the way that I facilitate. Because the people coming in aren't like intuitives.

    They're not, they're just normal people. No, no. I mean, a lot of people that work with me are like, they're in corporate America or they're in academia or they're theologians. So when the representative, let's say for your mom, starts to have stomach problems and you're like, Oh my gosh, my mom has stomach problems.

    All the skepticism goes way down. And the solution is always in the field. So we always work towards a forward, a forward movement. So this is how this will bring you and your system forward. And the way that, you know, traditional constellation work is very powerful. The way that I deal with alchemical constellation is that we can go.

    It's just, unbelievable what kind of forward movement can have when we can recognize the struggle, not from an intellectual place, but from a felt sense place.

    Right. So then as the system moves forward, when it's finally like almost at the forward movement, then we have you tap, tap in. So the person representing you will tap out and then you become you and your constellation. So then you experience kind of all of the alchemy there's kind of like anchoring phrases that we say to help a system move forward.

    And you move, you move towards a future or a forward movement in your life with all of that, all that healing. Okay. Wow. This is wild. So I'm, I guess I'm, I'm like so intrigued how this all, so when somebody comes into this, like say, you know, one of my biggest things, you know, one of my biggest core wounds has been fear of rejection and it like, and I've, I have done a ton of energy work, I've done a veteran and I feel like really good with it, but it still will come out.

    And so I'm just curious, like with something like that, could you actually completely like remove it through this work? Or is it still one of those like, where it's like, as you get to another level, some of these core wounds could still like express in a, in a way, not as prominent as it was like five years ago, 10 years ago.

    It will be like, so rejection, not belonging, belonging as a core wound that we all carry, but sometimes it's like in your path, it might be more pronounced, let's say. So what would happen is we would go back to whatever that initial rejection or You know, ostracization is, let's say, whatever ancestor is living in you, who's like, I need, I need the lineage to know that my rejection meant something and like, it will alchemize it.

    So then the unreason it's literally happens like epigenetically, energetically, spiritually, you think it's you, you're like, and your chart might even reflect it. Yeah. And when it's. The ancestor speaking through you. Like I get the chill saying it, like they are, when we start to do this, it's like the first words out of your mouth are the ancestor speaking.

    Wow. That's so cool. So if we support that ancestor to be brought into the fold as much as possible, right. We're not pretending like people didn't do really hard things at times or things that were not okay, but to recognize that they are a whole person, then for you, The rejection that you carry will just be yours.

    It won't be theirs. And so it'll be so right size, it will be like, oh, it's how I feel grief, or oh, it's how I feel joy. Like, it's not going to be the same. Like tug in your system, like something's not right. Right. Or while I always carry this, it will feel completely different. Yeah. 

    And that's something that I've, I mean, I've cleared so much of, but I was just trying to give like a really tangible example of that. Like I know one thing that really comes up in my family and this, by the way, just on your chart is like, you have Mars conjunct your moon, your natal moon.

    Mars in cancer and your natal moon is in cancer. This is like so much and they're on the fifth house and I feel like this is such a great expander point because Mars and Cancer can be a really challenging Mars placement and a doozy. It's like, and with the cancer and I have Mars and cancer, so I'm, our birth dates aren't too far.

    We're only like less than a month apart. So yes. A moon and cancer is all about generational healing through especially the feminine with us as well. And then you've got it in this fifth house, which is like coming to the fullness of our own expression and this deeply nurturing, supportive environment with a mercury and Aquarius and this completely innovative, unique way that is so like, it's just a piece of.

    It's a piece of art, like coming through all your Pisces energy. It's like, you can see all this off your chart. It's just so wild to me. One of the things coming through, like, giving more tangible relative, like experience around this is with women and my family in particular, they're like, I am.

    I am probably, I have one other cousin who has a lot of Capricorn. I have a lot of Capricorn in my chart too. And we are both, I would say like the movement forward of like creating your own wealth, creating your own money and not being in like really codependent relationships. You know, having that, well, I would say her relationship is not that way, but like my, you know, so I'm just curious how, like somebody like myself that has done so much spiritual work and I've done a lot of generational clearing, like energetically and moving through like timelines and all that stuff, but I'm just curious how, cause there are a lot of people that listen to this, a really big, powerful women, you know, how they might free even like, you know, One of the things that I noticed through this, this like going, like we'll say robust drive of creating something in my life, you know, is.

    Almost like this, I will never want to be like my mother, you know, and there's a lot of women that are like that. Like, I just, some, some have had beautiful relationships, but then there's others who are just like, my mother was completely gave her power away. She, I mean, my mother died at 59 of a massive heart attack.

    She did not take care of herself, her body, her energy. She had borderline personality disorder. There was a lot of like that happening. And I just was like, I'm never going to be like that. And so I'm curious how, like something like that could, what is my question here? And I've done a lot of healing with her spiritually as she's actually a really like prominent force in my life. Now we have a way better relationship now. So it's like speaking to this, but for the longest time, that really was like, This, it harbored a lot of resentment for me, you know, of the way that she was and led her life and how growing up in something like that, you know, how it impacted me and just even like the relationship with my sisters and control and power dynamics.

    And so I'm just curious, like, how something like this could really like, Is that in women who I'm speaking predominantly because most of my communities, women who just want to be free from that, you know, that don't even want that living in their energy field. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. And that's sometimes people come to consolation work for that too.

    Like they're very clear. I don't want to repeat. I don't want to become my mother. I don't want to repeat the past. And so we would work on making sure the intention first is really forward. If we could think about it in a different way, like, I want to be free, like that could be even like, that's more than, than we would get to.

    if I'm able to feel and be free, what would be true for me or where would, what would I want to be possible in my life? So we wouldn't, it's always about the intention of being super clear. Cause that's what creates the container. That's what creates like the safety of the field. Oftentimes like it didn't start with your mom.

    Your mother was the same way, however, in that kind of constellation, it's like the lack of freedom that perpetuated this being passed down the maternal line. Whatever that constriction or whatever that forbiddenness or taboo ness or pain or suffering, whatever the motion against that was that created the suffering that was passed down.

    We would work to have a consolation that then really honors what was going on, like the suffering or, the lack of choice that then lives on through, you know, that has lived mother, daughter, mother, daughter, mother, daughter, and helping the lineage then. incorporate whatever that lack of freedom was.

    So sometimes the land comes in, sometimes out of necessity because of religion, the land, like the family had to then say, that, that land is not going to keep us safe. You should trust in, you know, what the church says. And so that original mother, then it's like, the land is what soothes me through so many things.

    And so then she had to cut off part of herself and that cutting off of, of her connection to the divine feminine in the land, then it looks like. Yeah. And so what we would do in a constellation is we'd bring, we'd, I don't know that at the beginning, but when I feel into the field as a facilitator, I can call on a representative that represents the land or, you know, a very common one I'm sure in your community is women that were witches in their lineage.

    And so those women had to cut themselves off and, you know, I think that there's different roots to it. And I think it's really important to be someone who they weren't. And even that kind of, that's a cultural, it's not just a. Family wound. So the cultural wound that needs to be.

    Brought into the wholeness. Around blogging and not belonging. So there's different routes of how that will then look for each person and. Going back and making it whole that can be brought forward into that woman's life very like Miraculous, it will feel like what happened there and then you know for some people it's like nine days after for some people It's three months, but you're gonna feel like I feel different and I don't how my mom treated me wasn't okay but I don't carry that resentment and that like angst and that like Pushing against so then you have the full freedom to be you Yeah.

    Yeah. I love that. I feel like with my father now, cause he passed away a couple of years ago and I worked through so much of that. And I went through this whole, season where he passed. And then it was like the start of 2023 and it was like, I'm going to scale my business. It was almost this like proving of, cause he passed only a few months prior to that.

    And I never got recognition, you know, Capricorn moon stuff, you know, it was like never the recognition for like how hard I worked, what I created. And. Even just like how much I had done to heal from, high functioning addiction, all of the things, and so I feel like something like this, I'm in a good place where I released a lot of that anger and stuff, but it, was fueled by this father wound essentially of, I'm going to do this because I'm going to get the validation that I never got through my business.

    And so, you know, it became a really obvious why I'm. I've worked as hard as I did all the time. I mean, I've always been, again, Capricorn Moon, but some of the things that you speak about even in this, as you're sharing this, I was writing like the under nurturing, you know, in this scenario, the losing the divine femme, which Capricorn Moon sign.

    And my father was a lot of Cancerian energy. If you study charts in your family, you'll see these dynamics play out a lot of Capricorn energy under nurturing. My father was extremely hardworking, so devoted to that, but couldn't devote to family, you know?

    And then because he worked so hard, never really got his own validation through his own mother. You know, and then he, he was just a high functioning alcoholic and that's what he died from at 70 years old is alcoholism, you know, and he, we watched him die like that. It was a very, very hard to watch and very hard to witness.

    And so it's just like, so interesting how This plays out how, as you're speaking, I'm like, Oh my gosh, I can see that and that, and that my grandmother, who was his mother, worked until like 78, even with barely knees. I mean, she had needed knee replacements for like six years, would never get them done because her devotion to work.

    And then by the time she got them done, it was almost too late because her body couldn't readjust, you know, the musculature and her body was so, you know, uniform to the, to build, like the, The bad knees, you know, essentially. And so again, just under nurturing so much under nurturing in, in that process.

    So I think this could be definitely a very helpful for me in many ways I've come so far, but I am like always about. Modalities that help clear this because I, like, even in my own exploration of this through energy, like going back many different timelines and through ancestry. And I've done a lot of past life work in this last year, which I never was really a big fan of, but then it became obvious, like, this is something to dive into with the past lives.

    It's just like, there were so many times where, in these lifetimes that would come up where my father chose. Everybody, but me, I mean, just time and time again, you know? So, and that does live and breathe in our energy field. I mean, it's just like, you, it then, because it's almost becomes like, for me in business, I feel like it was a visibility block.

    There was also like with certain women that I've had some challenges with in this lifetime where it's like, I'm, we're had this great friendship. It's beautiful. It's beautiful, beautiful. And then all of a sudden it's just like, when I start to really Come into my own, they're just like, bye, you know, and it's Black Moon Lilith in my chart, you know, cancer, Black Moon Lilith and cancer, which you have it too.

    I guess I know you do. Like I know about this too. Yes. And so that's really painful, you know, to go through and you see how these experiences just kind of like create that. And I think as women in particular, it just, I feel like it makes it harder for us. To open and then, but we need that because that's how we manifest.

    That's how we create, you know, I mean, we are the creative life force. That's the women in this earth, you know? Yeah. And when you mentioned addiction, I think it's important for people to know that addiction also is something that is not just from a, like Western medicine perspective, but the addiction is also.

    Oftentimes also omitted. So then the addiction might show up in your current life, maybe not as alcohol, but it might be addiction to work or might be addiction to sex. And so there's just infinite ways for people to, to know that if you feel like you've thrown everything at something, constellation work is very, very, very powerful.

    It's also, not transactional. So for some people, the system is asking for more than one constellation. So it's iterative. You do this first layer, you let it integrate, then another constellation comes in. And, you know, just the way it will permeate, like, I have had clients who didn't have a relationship with a parent for over 20 years and they weren't doing the consolation about to have a relationship with a parent.

    They had, it's oftentimes about with other relationships and that relationship then becomes repaired after 20 years of no contact. So that, that's not even the primary intention The main focus and because the system oftentimes need to be so massively rearranged that in my experience true miracles can happen.

    Yeah. And of course, like everything you talk about with Black Lilith, it's not always rainbows and roses. And whatever really is going to serve you. In a much, much broader or more expansive way will always come through because that is the true energy of love and wholeness. Like it's always going to come through, but it might not feel like it in the beginning of the reckoning.

    Uh, so I don't, I don't, I don't want to, um, confuse your listeners. You mean, because like with Black Moon Lilith, she puts things in your path, essentially for you to like liberate with it. So like, sometimes in the beginning, it's like, Oh, wow. Okay. This is happening because I got to liberate myself from this.

    I mean, I called it as initiations, you know, you're like being initiated to like, say, am I really done with this or not? And so we kind of have to move through some challenging experiences, especially in the Very beginning phases of, of the healing journey. That's what you're referencing. Yeah. Yes, yes.

    They're very familiar with that . So there's no omission in this work that's like, oh, it's just an easy path. It's like, no, it's not. It'll be a meaningful, a meaningful and fruitful path. And potent path. I love it. I'm so glad you explained all of that.

    So I wanna move into house therapy because this is. A fascinating topic and I'm going to be on Amy's podcast. And from what I understand from what you sent me, you're actually going to be doing house therapy with me. Correct? Yeah. We'll do a whole session. I'm so excited about that. That's going to be amazing.

    So Amy has a podcast. Is it soulful visionary? Is that what it is? Soulful visionary podcast. And so on her podcast is. You go in with individuals and you do house therapy live with them through this, correct? And I'll do, you know, all the different modalities. So there's sometimes consolation work, sometimes there's somatic work, sometimes there's psychospiritual work.

    It's just like whatever that person, whatever, I go based on their intention. Yeah. So, feng shui comes from Taoism and house therapy is predominantly based on feng shui and we bring in other kind of wisdom traditions based around home and land. So it's not just exclusively feng shui.

    And it's here because this is something I didn't know before I found feng shui or house therapy. I think probably your community and my community is very familiar with. The two areas of life, which, the first is like human luck in Taoism. Human luck is worthiness, belief work, energy work, shadow work, anything about the human.

    I think your listeners are probably very familiar. My community is too. Then the second area of luck is called cosmic luck. And they're also very familiar with that. Like the cosmos. guides, karma, ancestors, that's all part of the second luck. The third luck is where I found in my community and even with myself, this is the place that most people are underestimating.

    Wisdom, we call it the Taoist Trilogy. There are three equal kinds of luck and they're not rank order. They're all 33%. So the third luck is, is called earth luck. And so earth luck is your home and land. And so even if you're couch surfing, that's part of this. And if you own multiple properties, if you have a storage unit.

    That's all part of this. And so, our homes or our couches, whatever, home experience you have in our offices, or if you own a brick and mortar, anything like that is all a part of this. It's like, this is another relationship in your life. And so when we're in relationship with it, with our home and our land, they are massive co creator.

    Yeah. Relationships. And, just like in real life, when you have a relationship that has gifts and challenges, so does every home. Yeah. And so does all the land. So this is a modality to help you be in the right relationship with your partner. all the gifts your home has to offer and to mitigate the challenges that you're facing and also to, learn to steward your land in a different way.

    Yeah. And we talk about land and home a bit, you know, I mean, not in this context, but I share a lot of rituals and usually they're land based, which I didn't really realize that was Feng Shui, but I'm very much into the earth. I mean the earth and supporting us. And even when I talk about connecting with your guides and having your alternate, I'm always telling people get, you know, don't, yes, you can go buy crystals, whatever.

    If, You know, indulge, you know, it's a luxury almost, but like, I'm so much about get rocks from your land, get earth, like pieces from your own land, because that's where you are. That's what's holding your frequency. And so I didn't realize this was kind of similar. And one of the things I'm always, always, almost in every healing, every soul activation that I do is like, I open up the earth to hold your energetic blueprint.

    So often people are disconnected from that. They don't realize it. Like they're like, well, I'm calling in, I'm calling in, I'm calling him. Okay, great. But have you anchored that to the earth? Have you opened up? And what I find energetically, and I think this will probably segue into your house therapy is what I find is when we don't actually, ask the earth to support us in that way.

    It like, she can't really, like, she can work to a degree to like, with our frequency and open up things, but it's not as anchored in, into the 3d. And to me, I always see it. So when we're calling in, it's lighter. And so it's like, Oh, I'm up here in this frequency, but to anchor into the earth, it's so dense that we really have to like, be like, okay, bring this in not only to my body, but like, let it land in the energetic blueprint that my body.

    my spirit, the essence of me is meant to hold in the earth. So in Taoism, I have the training from Qigong and then house therapy. And then I also am a Taoist stone medalist. So stone medicine is kind of this, that's what you're talking about now.

    What we know about ancient China and then also ancient Peru where the shamans of the Andes the Quechuan. When this is, you know, thousands and thousands of years ago, they were doing the same exact practices that allow the cosmic energy, which is the light energy you're speaking about, allowing the yin or the earthbound energy to meet us in the middle.

    And so in our, in our bodies. That is our solar plexus and belly button, depending on everybody's anatomy. And so we're, when we're manifesting something, many of us are so kind of out, like we're, we're out in the ether. We don't know how to be in our bodies. And then some of us on the other side are like, so here on earth, we don't know how to dream.

    You don't know how to hope. So being connected with the land in a way that, allows us to honor it. And like a big part of Taoism is that you give thanks and that you're thanking the land and, from, you know, different traditions that are not Taoist, but other, other traditions, acknowledging that in with the indigenous wisdom keepers, 

    in America and many places in the world acknowledging the enslaved people. So acknowledging all of the, supports that are connected to the land that are in the unseen realms, that will completely shift what's possible with co creating and manifesting from like many different places. And a big part of, Daoism is also understanding ley lines.

    Which I'm sure many of your people would understand and understanding energetic portals and one of the I'm, I'm feeling called to share this. For some people, you could have even a brand new build, and the land underneath you holds a lot of what we might call hungry ghost. And you might not see ghost, but the souls that are kind of stuck there that have, that are in limbo, this kind of work can help with that.

    Then, then it will help you then bring in the manifestations because the energy. is being taken up by other things. So yeah, yeah. All of that's connected. I experienced this with when I moved to Arkansas, Northwest Arkansas. I moved here in 2020, October, 2020, and I bought a brand new house and it, the land, it was like 1.

    4 of an acre, but when I first moved into the house, one, I know it was all woods that fed like animals because all the neighbors said, Oh, the deer would come up there. Blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, yeah, sorry. I just wiped it all away from you guys, anyways, when I moved in, I was having like major issues with every washer.

    That I had, I went through three, they just got, and finally I got a totally different brand and then the dryer kept breaking. I had really weird water things the house was built really well, but it was like the land, it was very unsettled. Everything I do, I'm a channel and it doesn't always make sense, but it's so fascinating because I drop in and I'm like, what do I need to do?

    Obviously I know some things cause I'm tapped in, but I didn't know that's where it was coming from specifically, but they were like, my guides are like, we need to clear the land. We need to give something back to it. It's angry right now.

    It's very disrupted. It's very disturbed. These are brand new appliances. And it was really interesting because I made that house a rental. Did land clearing with my own way. Things got great. Everything was all good.

    I made that property a rental and this is what's driving me. So I converted it into a rental when Ryan, my now husband, we're looking for a house, you know, we bought a house, a brand new construction house. I feel like the house got a little angry with the tenant there. Within just a few months of her renting, the refrigerator broke.

    This is a three year old refrigerator. Like, broke. And so I had to get a new refrigerator. And so anyways, long and short, this tenant, I finally just have said through higher, my higher self is like, she's just got to go. Cause she's disrupting the energy too much. And her lease was ending, but it was just like a disruption of energy to that home.

    So this is making me realize how much I've got to almost repair. Then I bought another investment property. And it did not thrive as an Airbnb at all. So I converted it into a midterm, which is like 30 to 60, 30 to six months, 30 days to six months. What was getting like three months and six months. And it did better in that way.

    And I always look at my chart cause I'm a counselor. I have a counselor, Mars and cancer. I have a Capricorn moon in my fourth, fourth house, like right there. You know? So it's like, it's. The home is so important to me and who is there and this residence. And I feel like longterm is a little better for me.

    So now I've since converted everything to longterm. I do clearing on like the home and everything. I feel like what you might share could even benefit even more with that. Um, and then even moving into this house, there was turbulence, you know, there was a lot of adjusting and yes, it was Ryan and I combining our lives and attitude.

    Teenage kids and all of a sudden one's here full time, which I didn't know was going to happen. It was a lot of adjustment on my part. I just lost an animal as well. So yeah, those things happen, but I also do believe so much of this is the energy of what we're sitting on. And I had since found out that this whole neighborhood, while it's a beautiful, gorgeous neighborhood, it's surrounded by a lot of farms And it's rural Arkansas, you know, where I'm at right now.

    I'm typically, we're not far from like Bentonville and all of that, but I found out that they used to bring, people used to bring animals here and dump them when they were dying. And there was a little lake just at the bottom of our one acre property that we never even go down to, we can't get there. But they told me that they would.

    They would tort like bring some animals here and torture them and throw them in that pond. And I mean, I just was like, I get chills as I say it. And so I, you know, did so much work and offering back to them and just like, I'm a, I love animals. I mean, I'm a communicator. 

    Help transmute it. And so it's kind of interesting that you're saying all this because it's, I don't think people realize how much the land is. So even our energetic residents, when I was on the East coast, I was also on a Pluto line astrocartography wise, which was, is not good for me.

    By the way, it can be good for some people. It's not always devastating, but for me, it's not, you know, cause it squares my moon. So it was just this constant emotional thing. Death, rebirth, transformation, like so much constant. And then when I moved out to Arkansas, things got a lot lighter for me, which was really interesting.

    And then working with these energies and clearing them in the home. But I still feel like in this home, there is something off, you know, that I can't quite put my finger on. This is, this is such a juicy conversation.

    So, so anytime water is involved, water can either be money or emotions. Yeah, well, when I moved to Arkansas I left a long term relationship with somebody I thought I was going to marry. I lost my very best friend, who was like a mother to me, to lung cancer. 

    Horrible. So what we say, what we say in S. H. O. A. Y. is that sometimes our health takes a hit for us when we can't fully digest something. Yeah. And I was not digesting. I mean, no way this all happened in two weeks. I was gone, , moved. And like our house speaks to us and metaphors, the land speaks to us in very clear metaphors.

    So, electricity, anything electrical is our nervous system. I take everything at each layer. And then the metaphor of like a washing machine is used to clean things. You were being cleaned through all the like kind of like the black Lilith energy, like you were being cleaned through things that were quite painful.

    And It just kind of like, it kept absorbing it on your behalf and whatever was going on with that woman, the renter, probably something very similar. Yeah. Well, her nervous system is really rattled by the way. So like the fridge, she is, that's one of the reasons why I'm like, we're just not a good fit.

    And the fridge always represents health and wealth. . She's struggling with money constantly. So that's the house telling you it's like the house is giving a message. So the first thing I would say for any of the homes that you have, even like the rentals or your primary home is that you ask it its name to start to build a relationship.

    Okay. So as soon as you did that, the new property, I just asked and I literally got the name Eleanor. So I just did it. Eleanor. So nice to meet you, Eleanor. Every home has a personality, just like people. So depending on when it's built, depending on who the previous owner was, depending on if it was demolished, all those factors.

    come into play. there's a lot of nuance to that, but that's kind of like the basis for people listening. Like the first step is find out the name of your home, start to build a relationship with it, find out the indigenous people of the land that you're on, and then also find out if anything else was on your land.

    So, uh, Was there a, you know, not everyone's going to have an animal farm that were slaughtering, but like, was it, was there a golf course there? Like, I have someone that asked me a question recently that their property was built on the 18th hole. And she's like, what you find out which way is that just like a relationship in the honeymoon period, everybody puts their best foot forward.

    But as the energy compounds with you and the home and the land, that's when you see. If you've never had these challenges before and they're coming up, it's related to the house and the land. So this woman had never had relationship challenges before, but after being there for like two and a half years, her relationships started to go downhill.

    And when she shared, she was on the 18th hole. I said, you know, the 18th hole is a complicated place. Like people go to have like deals on the golf course, or like sometimes to prove themselves. And like, sometimes there's sore losers at the 18th hole. Sometimes there's betrayal at the 18th hole and sometimes there's celebration, but it's a real mixed bag energetically.

    And so when she started to like, honor how much was really transacted there and like really talk to the land about it, everything started to shift for her. So sometimes it's like something very obscure that I have someone else whose land was built on a circus ground. So that was really complicated.

    So when it comes to the animals that were slaughtered, one of the things from Taoism, they were actually taught, people brought them here and then tortured them and drowned them. And, or they would bring dead animals off the farm and put them in this pond. Yeah. So it was, a very complicated, sadistic process, I would say, one of the things that you could do, which is, more from stone medicine than from health therapy is.

    You know, when you were in the beginning talking about, stones from the land, I am completely in agreement with that. And another practice that you can do is that you can, especially you, Michelle, I don't know about all your listeners, but you can do this. You can channel the energetic vibration of a certain kind of element or crystal.

    And so a crystal that's helpful for, helping lost or stuck souls ascend or go back to the light or the wholeness is called celestite. So it's the color of the shirt you're wearing. Oh wow, yeah. I mean, okay, cool. And it's great to use raw, like, so you don't have to buy it, but just to imagine, you know, however big the lake is, or however big, like, the drive to the lake is, like, making a larger than life cellosite portal that goes from deep within the ground all the way up to the heavens.

    You can allow, you can invite in, like, you know, with ease. the resolution of suffering, like all the words that you would use that you would channel, you can invite that in to just open that portal up and then close it down. So it might not be, you might have to come to it a couple of times, but that is a great one for, stuck people or stuck animals.

    So open it up and then close it each time you open it a couple times. Yep. But what was interesting is we came up on our year and literally the week before our year like inspection.

    We have these, the, why is the name going to escape me? Of course, right now, it's, it's like the decorative wall stuff. It looks like slabs. Anyways, they bowed out, caved out on the front wall and the back wall of our dining room and then the sitting room. And I was like, this is crazy. Like they just.

    Bowed in, like buckled in. So what would WOS be in that? So, and also I should add that the builder, it took them all the way. So that happened in August, a week before your, your inspection was up and you got to report whatever. They are just now fixing it. They had so many loopholes, so many things. They had to fire two people, like, it's crazy because the things weren't getting done.

    So it's just, it's such a weird energy to me, you know, because I know it has something to do. I know it's them, but it also is like, why did this take all this time? So first we look at walls. Walls represent boundaries. Okay. And then you said, are the walls made out of stone? No, it was, it's that decorative.

    Shiplap. Yes. Okay. So, with Feng Shui and health therapy, we look at all the, all the pieces of it. So shiplap is horizontal and horizontal represents water. Interesting. So water again, huh? Yeah, but then shiplap is wood. So we're going to look at water and woods. We look at the elemental parts of it.

    Like, wood, wood can be taken over by water. Like a tsunami can come and take down. A tsunami can come down and take a forest down or a tornado or a hurricane can. That's what we saw in Asheville. Right. So that, Water can be very powerful. And so water is, water controls wood. Then we look at, you said it was on the back side of the house and then also on the front side.

    Can you tell me, like, is your house a rectangle or a square? Or something else? Yeah, yeah, and so on the front side of the house, that's where what they would have considered a formal dining room, but I have it a sitting room. And it's right next to the front door. So here's the front, you know, and then the back.

    Okay. It is. Yeah. The backs. I'm sorry. Is it to the right of the front door? Yep. If you were looking at the front door in the house to the right, yeah, got it. On the backside, it's to the back door. It's in a dining room. And so it's right to the left of the back door. Okay. Left to the back door. Okay.

    So this is interesting. So if we take tact to your house, cause there are energy centers of every house in every land. That energy center is a diagonal. Right. So from the front, you said it's the front sitting room or is it, you said formal dining room? Yeah. It's a sitting room. What I call the sitting room.

    It's a dining room. But yeah. So that part of the house is it's called, the energetic center is travel and helpful people or benefactors seen and unseen. That's that section of the home. And a dining room is always about relationships and wealth, no matter where it is, no matter what. Yeah. And then the diagonal line across to the back, that section of the home, the far left back is wealth.

    And so wealth is accrual of resources. It's not where you go to like manifest money. It's where you want to accrue money, like investments or portfolio, but it's also self worth. So if you're struggling with worthiness, that's a place that. I, I oftentimes invite clients to look at. So it's, these diagonals are called programming partners.

    So the fact that they're both being up leveled, what I wonder, what I'm curious about is, if the, the house is making room for more, more support and more wealth. With probably I got killed when you said that because right at that time. So I'm just going through this. Um, I did lose a dog a month after that.

    She was quite old, but I don't think it's when intuitively as you say that I'm not getting that because what I do know is that around It was shortly right around September. I believe it could have been right in August is when my dad's, everything finally got 1000 percent like settled all unclear of his estate, which was very drug out and very unexpected.

    The way that all that went down. And so that was one thing that came through. And so we actually got my sister and I more than what we ever anticipated because yeah, I mean, my father was like, everything's going to your step mom. But he didn't put anything together because he just was so afraid to face ever, you know, any of those things.

    So it had to go into probate. So it all got settled out in this really unique way that she was still taking care of my step mom, but we were also really close. Very generously taken care of as well. And then I went to our. Nationals about a month later with the Aussies because I work with my dogs, I train and compete my dogs.

    And we had a great weekend there. But then when I came back, I got the intuitive hit right there. It's time to look for another investment property. And so, and this is the first one Ryan and I've done together, my husband. And so yes, it was my money. But now as we've moved into that, I didn't realize how much He is such an integrated part of this process.

    I mean, he is amazing. He has like done all the renovations. I haven't had to hire anybody. I mean, the only thing that I'm paying for is somebody to install the countertops. And like, he is just over there. He's like, you know, all in his masculine and like totally contributing to this. And it's just been a really cool project and ironically I was walking the dogs last night at that rental property because I take they go with me everywhere so I was walking them and I was like Ryan and I need to do more of this more of this because this it's us in this together that's going to make it so much more you know so now that you're saying this it's like oh okay so it's not necessarily negative it's like expanding hold that Yeah, the other.

    So there's power spots for every family member and the power spot for the primary male breadwinner. And this, if you're in a relationship where there's no men, it's the person with more masculine energy, just to clarify is, travel and helpful people. So that's a power spot, energetic power spot in the home for Ryan.

    So in that front area, but he's not the breadwinner. So, he's the primary man. Yeah. It's like breadwinner is an old fashioned word for it. That's what they say in Chuy, but it's the head male. If it was intergenerational living, it would be different, but I know you're not living that way.

    So, and then wealth is the first born daughter. I think you have two step sons, right? Yes. Yep. Yeah. So that would be like, just a general energetic center then as well, because there's not a daughter in the house. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Wow. That is wild.

    Yeah. It's so interesting to see how all that comes together. And, just going back to a couple of things that we spoke about when you first were talking about this, when you said, so I just intuitively got the name Eleanor for the new rental property. Yes. Yes. Yes. So how would people listening go about grab?

    I mean, I like kind of closed and I just heard it come through the deck mode, but people are going to want to know, how do I get to know my house? What is a practical way that they could do this? So you just, you just set the intention of, I want to get to know you, like not in a transactional way. It has to be really heartfelt.

    So if your heart is like, I need this to do something, your house is going to make money. Not going to work. Your house is going to be like, bitch, I'm not telling you anything. Yeah. So not how we go. It has to be sincere. So when, when you have an open heart, that's sincere and you're not doing it to get something that's important, then you can say, I'd love to know your name.

    And for a lot of people, like listening through writing can be very helpful. So you sit down with an open pad of paper. You can write a note, you can write a letter, dear house, I don't know your name yet. I would love to get to know you. I'd love to build a relationship. And it just has to be very sincere. And then, you know, come back a couple of days later and wait for a letter back from your house. A letter. Yeah, and your house will write back to you. So how do I get that letter? Oh, you just sit there and that's it. Sit there. Yeah, you just, you have to be centered.

    You have to, whatever their grounding practice is. Sit there and listen and then you'll get a letter back. So kind of like channeling that writing. Yep. If people write out and the house will speak to them. That's so cool. I get chills doing this. So people don't have to like, people like me, like I can't be at the one rental that I'm getting rid of that tenant.

    So, I could do this from afar. I could do this. Yeah, you just want to like presence it in your mind's eye or in your heart. Not everyone's a seer. So, you know, you might just feel like this is what it feels like to be in that space. Call up a memory that like, oh, I love this house for this reason. 

    Yeah, that's where I lost my, my, one of my heart dogs. And that was also three weeks before we moved into this house. House isn't moving. I always come with a lot of different things for me. If you can't guess. And for people that didn't like, they're like, Oh, I don't have that good memory. It's to say we've been through some really hard times.

    Yeah. Oh, okay. Like, you want it to be honest and sincere no matter what it is. Yeah. Oh, I got chills for that. Cause that house did support me during the biggest, you know, season of growth. So it wasn't always easy for me in that house because I literally was cracked wide open, you know, moving there and had to move through all of that.

    And that's where I'd learned how to be more feminine, how to feel because I just didn't feel anything forever. And, you know, this is so fun because even on your chart, you have Jupiter in Gemini, but it's actually conjunct your IC, which makes you very profoundly intuitive to the homes 

    the roots to the lineage. And then with Jupiter there and Gemini, it's like the communication piece of like, yeah, let's talk to our homes. Let's create like a harmonious relationship with this. And then you're creating this expansion, which is Jupiter and a more profound, Which ultimately creates wealth, which I think a wealth is abundance that touches all places of life.

    You know, it's not just money, it's love, it's intimacy, it's relationships, it's beauty, it's joy, it's all of that. And I just get chills even as I say that because that is like, so true. Like you playing out the traumas of your family and playing out the because Jupiter expands, whatever it touches, that could have been you silencing your voice that could have been you just and because it's going to expand not only on the good, but on the bad.

    If you're in, we don't have enough time in this podcast, but I did, you know, I would say for many years I lived in the other vibrations in my chart. So for those of you listening, like, Oh, she has it easy. No, no, no. I'll come by this. Honestly. Yeah, no, you don't have it easy because it's on your immune coli.

    So any planet that's on the immune call lately, I see, it's like, you know, that person, my moon is also on the immune call. And so that person is coming here to heal a lot through family. And it makes sense that you would then bring this intergenerational healing into your Your modalities and the housework, because it's all about the home, the roots, the lineage, the family, you know, it's so beautiful.

    And I just, I'm so grateful for this episode because it really gave me a chance to get to know you better in what you do and understand it because it's very complex. You have a lot. It's almost like me getting on and trying to explain what I do to people. And I remember even when we first started the mastermind, you're like, Rachel, I'm just not getting it the way that you explain it.

    And I'm like, I, you know, it's really hard to explain this stuff to you, sit down in an hour long conversation like this and can really dissect it and share it because. I too was also confused by what you did. And now it's like, this is so badass. I mean, everybody needs this. I'm all in. I'm like, this is so helpful because I have a lot of testimonials on my webpage.

    I have paid copywriters. I've done all kinds of things, but until you experience it and have a deeper conversation, it's like, what is she talking about? So. Yeah, I'm so grateful that we've had this conversation. I get to know you more too. So I get to know you even more.

    And yeah, it's just, I think it's important medicine for people who feel misunderstood. Yeah, definitely. Mercury and Aquarius both here. It's yes. And that we bring in people like that, the cancer and energy that we both have is like, we're going to do that and help other people feel supported in that way.

    One of the things I do want, because you bring in some really unique ritual, and so I want to leave everybody with a really big taste of your medicine, of your magic, that you do, because I, well, I don't even want to share. I will just share the one that you did share in the group. And I haven't told you this, what manifested out of that.

    Can you show me a 15, 000 tax refund, which never happens as an entrepreneur ever. I have full body chills. Yeah. So, and it's one of those things that I didn't even realize it until like even sitting down this last week and like, You know, as soon as I knew we were going to do this podcast, it's like the energy starts opening up and it's like, Oh my God, you were doing that and you got that.

    I also got a client that paid him full into Empress. That's amazing. Anyways, this stuff is real magic. It's real magic is real. And the beautiful thing about these practices is with, with Feng Shui, you can be a skeptic. Yeah, you don't have to even believe different than a little bit different than constellation work, but You can come with your skepticism.

    Healthy skepticism is okay I don't no one should omit any things and be confused like I can't do this until i've drank the kool aid That's not what i'm saying at all. So You come with your intention always what i'm going to share So I'm tuning in. I'm like, should it be this ritual? Okay. Let me, let me sit with it.

    So it is important to use your front door every day. If you have a situation where your front door is blocked, Get it unblocked because it is we call it the mouth of chi and chi is energy So it would be like you not taking food in through your mouth. That's that is the essence of why it's important and The front door is where we bring in opportunities and it's also where we can mitigate challenges So if you want more luck health wealth a partner, you need to invite that energy through your front door So second thing I'm gonna say is sweeping at least once or twice a month.

    I sweep on the new moon and the full moon. So sweeping clears the energetic and the physical residue because you don't want to track that into your home. So you can do it more than that, but at least twice a month. And with the intention of I'm sweeping away the old and I'm inviting in the new energy.

    Okay. Two questions on each of those, just to clarify, because I can feel it going. Yes. Okay. So with the front door, you just need to walk in through it at least once a day. So can that be you walking out to get the mail and then coming in? Can that be you just walking out and then walking in?

    Cause I usually use my garage, but no, or ask like you have teenagers, ask them to come to the front door. Yeah, we probably couldn't do that. Just for, I wouldn't mind issues with that. Okay. Door doesn't latch all the way. And we actually had dog escapes at one point. We're like, no. So it's like, it latches, but you have to really shut it.

    But we can just do, anybody can come in. Yeah, anybody can come through. Yep. Awesome. That explains that. And so you're just saying like, as you walk through the door, invite in the opportunity. So if it's health, I want, I want better health. You just have to have that intention. Just give me more freedom and health or bring in the line opportunities or help me to eat.

    Like whatever your thing is, help my body metabolize perimenopause, like whatever, whatever it is. Praise be right. Help me to know what it is because. You know, you and I are both in that place. So you bring in the intention. The other thing that I would recommend is having a front doormat. So the front doormat on the outside is like a target for, it's like, I think about it as like, energy is like trick or treaters.

    Like, where does the energy go? So you want the energy to just be enticed to come into your home. And you never want to have, of your initials on your doormat or your name because you're walking on your name. You're stamping on it. Okay. So bring it, because you want to attract it.

    So you don't have to spend a lot of money this way. It doesn't have to be like, I painted my door a new color. It can be if you want, but you want to think about how can I entice that energy to go. An easy way is a wreath. We're recording this in the holiday season, it can be twinkle lights.

    You do it with intention. Like, I'm setting this wreath here. I'm putting this doormat here to invite the energy in. So the doormat's on the outside of the door. If you have the funds, you want to have the, doormat on the inside.

    Both. Two. So both. Cause you want to know. And so that land, that front stoop, that front area of the front door can be oftentimes cluttered Like with boxes or shoes or leaves. Yes. You want to have, you want to, you're inviting the energy and like a sacred guest. Okay, so clearing that out really important.

    the other thing you can do is write out I start with three intentions you write them out with our new red pen as if they've already happened and like thanking so like Thank you so much for this health like I feel like I am the strongest i've been in years or I feel like I finally like Alchemize those 10 pounds that have been dragging me down in perimenopause, whatever it is, you write it as if it's already happened and be specific.

    So you write those down with a new red pen and then you place it into a red envelope. And so the red envelopes, you can get on Amazon, Michaels. If you're in someplace that has a big Asian population at the new year, they sell, they get them away for free at the bank. They're beautiful. But that is like it's a sacred red is the color of fire.

    Fire is the beginning of the alchemy cycle of the five element alchemy cycle. So we always start, we ignite something new with fire. So you can place that underneath your outdoor mat. So every time you're leaving through the front door, you're taking those intentions out in the world. And every time you're coming back home, you're bringing those intentions back in.

    Okay. And then every time you do this, do you need to start over with a new red pen? They recommend that, but I'm also like very practical. Yeah. I'm like, I don't want to be wasteful. So you can save it for rituals. How long do you leave it underneath in the mat? Until it comes to fruition.

    Awesome. On the sweeping, you're talking about taking a broom in sweeping energy or can it be a feather or anything you want? You want to, you want to get the broom and I sometimes will put on different essential oils to also lift the vibration. So like this time of the year I use like a blend that would help with clearing like stagnation with like warming spices like clove and cinnamon.

    Okay. And in the. Citrus stuff in my house. Does that like lemon or? So citrus will lift the chi, but it won't clear as much. So anything citrus is elevating, we want to, we want to have like, we're getting into like the things in shui, we're always looking at what's stagnating. And so stuck, stuck dirt and stuck energy stagnates.

    It's not about being a super clean freak. It's about the things that have, like with the front door, if the front door is stagnant, then those opportunities are taking, it takes a lot more energy to go around the back of the house as a trick or treater. So you just kind of, that's an easy metaphor to kind of think about how am I enticing the energy in?

    And when they get here, when it gets here, is there only one part of the house we hang out in? Are there rooms that we don't go into? Like all those things, we want the energy, just like your body, the energy of your house needs to be circulating. 

    You can turn your lights on in those places, those rooms you don't use. You can play music in them. You can, spritz it with something uplifting, like a citrus. Anything like that will lift the chi. Okay. And so when you sweep, do you sweep the walls too, like, feelings, or just kind of like, med, like, kind of move it around, or?

    I do the front stoop, and I, you know, it depends on how much time I have, so occasionally I try at least once a week. To do the window sills and every, like, I try and be really thorough. I'll use rags and I'll use a spritz with that. But as one busy entrepreneur to another, sometimes I can't do it like a deep clean every month.

    And it's also okay to like outsource it. So I have a 13 year old, so she sometimes helps me with it or my partner sometimes helps me with it. So it doesn't have to be you. It can be a team effort, but they're very clear about the intention. So my partner is ex military. I'm like, We're doing this to bring in opportunities my husband vacuums every day does the vacuum include sweeping because he always calls it I gotta sweep that's what he tells me it's like an Arkansas thing I guess he says I gotta sweep the house yeah that's all right that's that's like many many different cultures across time.

    Have swept because they know the energetic, not just the physical importance. So even though it's a vacuum, it's still considered that getting rid of the dirt. So I need to tell him to make sure that he has intention behind this. Like, yes, just sucking up the dog hair . Yeah. You're sucking up all the stagnant energy.

    Anything that no longer serves us. And then some practitioners, especially in like. The magic realms. This is not necessarily Shui, but people who are really into magic would say even taking a broom that you don't touch the floor with to take the energy out the front door is important. Okay, so just so if you are just kind of sweep it out.

    Yeah. And using some essential oils will help also, like, it's amazing how much it will feel like, like kind of like a soup when we're in it. Cause energy is like water. It pools in our house. So if you have a basement, it's hardest to lift the energy in the basement. So this is something where when you're really circulating the energy around the front door and along the outside, it will then help also the energy that's coming down to the basement, which is the hardest to lift.

    Cool. This is fascinating. I love this. I'm going to include all your links, but tell everybody where to find you. And also you have a really fascinating offer coming out right now. So you can find me on my website, amybabish. com. My newsletter is probably the best way to be in touch.

    You can subscribe to my website. I am occasionally on Instagram, again, amy. babish, and then the podcast, and my offer is my year long, annual 12 woman intimate container. It's called the Soulful Visionary Collective. It is a hybrid between, being in person, four times a year, four weekends a year with me.

    And then we have, virtual groups twice a month on the, on the months we don't meet in person. It's a 12 woman group and there are three spaces open. Awesome. I love it. Oh, you guys can find that. I'll drop all the links in here and they'll get in touch. I know and go grab her podcast and I'll be on there in January.

    So much for bringing all this in and all your wisdom and sharing all this like yummy, delicious magic. It's just, and I think this is the perfect time of year to do this as we're just closing out 2024, stepping into 2025 and just having this time of the holiday season kind of.

    You know, do some of this clearing while we all have a little bit of time from work, you know, with family and stuff. So, beautiful. Yes. So amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Rachel.


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