The Importance of Investing in Your Intuition w/ Elysia Skye

Almost instantly we went from strangers to soul sisters!

Elysia Skye is with me today! Interestingly, she reached out to me about a month ago inviting me to do a podcast collaboration where we would guest on each other’s podcast.

Full transparency—I’m really picky about who comes on the show. But I did some digging and explored Elysia’s podcast, her gifts, her magic, and I felt she was such an aligned guest and collaborator, so here we are!

I'm excited to introduce her to you and for you to hear this conversation! We went in several directions, but everything had a throughline of relationships, wealth, intuition, and community.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to deepen your trust in your intuition, why the fear of disappointing others is setting you up for failure, what the Universe does when you declare you’re done with a cycle, and how Libra souls (which applies to Elysia and me) have a special ability to transmute energy within relationships.

We start off by taking a look at Elysia’s Libra stellium…

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • A better understanding of Elysia’s Libra stellium

  • Why relationship marketing has felt most natural and worked best for Elysia

  • The benefits and beauty of women in community

  • The power of calling out an experience vs feeding into it

  • Why Libra souls tend to fall into people pleasing

  • What the Universe does when you declare you’re ready to end a cycle

  • What the fawning response is

  • Why the fear of disappointing others is setting you up for failure

  • Why the ego often needs to learn lessons in a more intense way than the soul

  • How Elysia’s been able to cultivate trust in her intuition

  • How to begin to own your spiritual gifts

  • Why it’s beneficial to find a great spiritual mentor

  • What placements in the 2nd house have to do with finances and wealth

As you heard throughout our conversation and the experiences we shared about, it can be challenging to open yourself up to love again. But love is the ultimate healer. ❤️

If anything from this episode resonated with you, Elysia and I would love to hear from you! Find the links to connect with us below.

Meet Elysia Skye

Elysia Skye is an award-winning video producer, speaker, author, podcast host, and an intuitive life and business coach. She coaches heart-centered high achievers to embrace a life of aligned abundance. With her “Brilliance Method” signature programs, podcast and books, Elysia offers mindfulness consulting and business coaching for individuals and corporate teams.

She has been a trusted advisor since 2014, providing stress-reduction seminars and workshops that enhance company culture and productivity. Elysia’s extensive background includes producing and directing branded content and developing courses for leading universities and companies. Her clients include major brands such as GAP Inc., L’Oréal, YouTube, Google, and Disney.

Living in Nashville with her rock star husband and three rescue pets, Elysia believes, “When we are fully present, we make clear decisions, practice excellent self-care, and expand our capacity for kindness.”  Her passion for live music, mindful living, and self-discovery fuels her mission to guide others to a joyful life.

Mentioned Resources: 

Ann O’Brien

Ingrid Turner

Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup

Connect with Elysia:



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  • Hello, everybody. I have a really fun guest, Elysia, here with me today. Elysia Skye, who reached out to me about a month ago to collaborate on each other's podcast. And full transparency, Elysia, I am really picky about who comes onto my podcast, but I did do some deep dive and explored what you were bringing to the world, your gifts, your magic, and I just felt that you would be a very aligned guest and collaborator and so I'm really excited to share with my community, your magic and all the really cool things that you are doing. So for everybody listening a little bit about Elysia Skye, she is an award winning video producer, speaker, author. Podcast hosts and an intuitive life and business coach. She coaches heart centered high achievers to embrace a life of aligned abundance with her brilliance methods, signature programs, podcast, and books. Elysia offers mindfulness, consulting, and business coaching for individuals and corporate teams. She has been a trusted advisor since 2014, providing stress reduction seminars and workshops that enhance company culture and productivity, at least he has extensive background includes. Producing and directing branded content and developing courses for leading universities and companies. Her clients include major brands like Gap, L'Oreal, YouTube, Google, and Disney. She lives in Nashville with her rockstar husband and three rescue animals. Elysia believes that when we are fully present, we make clear decisions, practice excellent self care and expand our capacity for kindness. So welcome Elysia. I'm going to turn it over to you to share a little bit more. Thank you so much. I am just. Here to love and be loved right as we all are and my motto is be the lighthouse, not the lifesaver. So when we stand tall, we shine our light, we shine that beacon so bright and strong. It gives everyone else permission and the feeling of safety to come and Stand on a similar path or on their own path and shine their light as bright as they can as opposed to being a lifesaver Going and fixing saving doing all the things we do in our younger years when we're trying to prove ourselves figure out who we are and maintain terrible relationships, so No more of that learned the hard way Yes for it And here we are Yeah, you have a ton of Libra in your chart, so I'm not surprised that you didn't learn through a lot of relationships. Oh my gosh, tell me more about that, because I haven't really gone into the Libra aspect of my chart. Yeah, you actually have quite a bit. Venus in Libra, which is a beautiful Libra placement. It's very exalted. It's at home in Libra with Venus, so, that's probably a big. Part of your magnetism. And I would think even in your energy field, you're using that in a beautiful way. It's actually a really in a great, and it's in your, your second house. Which is all about self value, self worth, self belief. It's like this inherent, innate feeling that probably no matter what you experienced, in some way you knew that you were really, one, meant for more, and also going to be okay. You know, this deep, even though it might not have felt like it based on the experiences that we were going through, there was probably this deep sense of knowing like, I know. I know I'm going to get through this. I know this is like, I know I'm going to like grow and create. So it's a really cool placement for you. And, you also have Saturn there. Sure do. Yes. Really close. So you have had to learn a lot through safety in your body, nervous system regulation, how to really feel safe within yourself first and moving into those relationships, ultimately, really that biggest lesson I feel like is, you know, we're all kind of here for this, but with Libra souls even more is realizing that our self worth, our value is not connected to anybody, you know, it not connected to. Our relationships are the people that were around. It literally is because of us. It's a lot of learning boundaries, both energetic, because Libras, I swear we are the transmuters of energy. That is what we do, whether we realize it consciously or not. We are always. Balancing energy and the collective in our relationships. And so we have to really learn to resource our own energy and doing that through healthy boundaries, you know, conversations and letting go of people, pleasing, letting go of all the shadowy stuff that are asleep or souls come in to learn. But, I mean. And you have Jupiter there as well, and they're all crunched together. So Pluto, right? Yes. Pluto is a little farther. They're all in your second house. And Pluto is a little farther off, but your Venus, your Saturn and Jupiter are all really close together. But what's really cool when I see Jupiter in the second house here with Saturn and all of that is that, when you really go into your Saturn and you move through those fears, one Libra souls, when we expand and realize. It's our safety in ourselves, right? And really cultivate that in our energy field. And then we're becoming that emanation of it, right? It's coming out of us and we're actually emanating that frequency. We actually create beautiful relationships. And that's actually how our money expands more than anything. And so when we're in those beautiful, flourishing relationships, whether it's with your animals, your husband, your friendships, whatever it is. That is actually how we become really magnetic and are, and make money and Jupiter's there. So it's like the more that you dive into the Saturn and you, you know, really restart to become that, like I am frequency and have this unity in autonomy. And you're like autonomous, knowing that no matter what relationship you're in, you're safe, you're taken care of no matter what. It's like, whatever it is that you're doing, it's just going to flourish you financially. So I'm willing to bet, I don't know you, but I'm going to say through some, harder relationship lessons, you have actually become pretty financially resourced. Yeah. All of that is accurate. And even going back to what you said about, Like it's going to be okay. I meant for more that piece. Right. And I think you can relate to that too. And that's something that comes up for me all the time. Maybe that's Saturn. Maybe that's Pluto. But every time I'm up against anything, I'm like, every time I feel like I'm done playing small and here I go. And I'm on a big stage now. And then I realized, Fuck you're still playing small right in in your own in your own way, and I tend to attract incredible people into my communities into my clientele who have similar life lessons and It's great because I can relate to it and I can tell them what I did to get through it. And then I also get to see them as a mirror, you know, for me too and, and for each other. So we're all just lifting each other up. And like what you said about relationships, it's so true. I'm not the coach that has like individual clients and nobody knows each other. And it's all very this or that, like, yes, there's privacy and confidentiality, but like my tribe is.




    And we love each other, and I host these in person events a few times a year, and like, everybody comes, and they can't wait to see each other, and some people sign up and pay, and they don't even know what they're coming for. They're just like, I gotta go be with my sisters. I gotta be with my family. I love it. So it's absolutely true, like, we're, we're such a close unit. And I think also that comes from, you know, from a business perspective. The relationship piece is key. And I know that not everybody is a relationship person, which is why there's something out there for everyone. That's why ads exist, you know, paying for advertising and different aspects of marketing. But for me, it's always been relationships. I haven't paid for ads. Maybe once in a while, I'll test and throw 20 bucks at like an Instagram boost just to, because I'm just curious, you know, but no, I haven't paid for ads. And maybe if I had or will one day, then I would, you know, multiply what I'm scaling, but I haven't felt called to do that yet. I just love gathering people like hosting retreats and workshops and it's just fun to be together, you know? Yeah, that's amazing too. Plus I feel like for women, is most of your community women? Primarily, I have a, I have a handful of men, but they're very progressive, very spiritual. Not all of them are, typical guy, marketers, coaches, creatives, you know, I have a lot of artists. And I feel like for women, you know, it's so important to have that sisterhood of. That connection where you feel seen because it has, to me, it's been the biggest healer of my core wounds is, is really being around women who see me, who celebrate me. And it's been a big source of rejection in my life. You know, and so having found connection in those ways and then it's, you know, you're talking about when you get on stage or you do these things and it's like that feeling of like, am I enough? You know? And for me, my biggest core wound is really this fear of being rejected, you know? And it started with my mother through the mother wound who just never really saw me. And so that's been a theme that I, my Libra self through relationships and it's really been through that. How other women see me, and it's when I go to step up and really lead and it's like, I'm doing this, I'm not playing small. I will somehow like manifest this experience and co create it. And it's done. I mean, I feel like that karma is really. It's like, okay, it's clear it's done, but that it, it was like, every time I would go to like, step up that next notch or that next level or whatever, it would seem to manifest an experience that somehow someone that I just deeply love that I just felt like was a sister to me. And somehow there would just be this like, very gaslighting projection, all of a sudden, all their insecurities would come out. I kind of roll into like coaching, like, no, you're good. You know? And I'm like, This is not right, you know, so, and it's just an interesting experience for me and then having to rebuild that trust and women and go like women really are a safe space and safe place. And there are really beautiful women out there that are not that way, you know, that aren't going to project or gaslight or men. So that has been a big healing journey for me. And so I completely. feel like when women come in those sisterhood with retreats, it's just something. And it just shifts our energy to such a high frequency. So I'm so glad that you do that because it's so needed for that. So many women, I mean, so many women have sister wounds like that. Well, thank you for sharing all of that. You know, this is why they burned us, right? Because we're powerful and we come together and when we celebrate each other and root for each other and pass spells to each other, right? They're like, Oh shit. Like the women are taking over and. Good! It's okay. And I wonder, too, since you and I both have this Libra soul and there's parts of us that, you know, know we're meant for more, I wonder what we can hold each other accountable for, too, in our new friendship. Yeah. Ooh, I just got chills as you said that. Like, I just, I see your beauty and I see like your audience loves you and like, you're so amazing. And like, one of the things we were talking about before we hit record was, is this a video or not? Cause I've got this fancy background. Right. And I'm like, I'll be the first, I'll be the new first video. Like let's do it. Right. So I don't know if that's what it is, if that's the next step for you fully being seen, but I'm here to support you with that too. Cause. You should be. You're so phenomenal. And for anyone who's listening, who hasn't gone out of their way to find her website or, or check her out more, she's just glowing and beautiful. And, and so kind, like your heart is so big and so open, like to see you, I just want to hug you and we don't live that close, but one day, I think it's like, eight and a half hours. So yeah. I'm down for an eight hour ride. We'll meet halfway. What's halfway? Little Rock, maybe. Okay, yeah. I don't know. Come to Nashville. Northwest Arkansas is super cool, so it's a ton of fun. It's a hidden gem of Arkansas, we'll say that. It's pretty fun. Yeah. So, yeah, you have full permission to call me on my bullshit anytime. It hides out. It does. Maybe that's why. And also celebrate you and your glory. Gosh. Thank you. Like, I was getting teary eyed as you were sharing all that back to me. Thank you. It's amazing. You're welcome. Yeah. So. It's great to reach out to you. I know, which was really interesting because you get those all the time and I'm such a skeptic because I'm like what, who, what, what, you know, but yours was really legit and I could feel it and I was like this is worth looking into. Ironically I've had three very awesome collaborations like that come back my way over the last month, which I feel like when these things happen, it really does cement to you, you've really shifted this. You've stepped out of this and you're really ready for this alignment, you know, which is always a good thing to see this reflected back. A hundred percent. You're calling it in. So we're showing up right. And like everyone who's listening can do that as soon as you are ready to shift. The universe gets very excited about that. Like, oh, you are. Okay, great. Here's all the things, right? What you focus on expands. So you want to focus on community, sisterhood, abundance, in all forms, health and wealth and joy and love and sex and fun and all the magic. Focus on it, right? Because what we spend our time dwelling on, then it's like, why does our, why does our life feel so hard? It's like, that's what we're looking at. Like, my, my uncle who lives in California. He probably won't like this if he hears this, but I doubt he'll even listen. It's a good thing. He has narcissistic tendencies, right? And I'm just going to kindly just put it like that. And I remember standing, I was with a client and we were working on this jewelry thing and I was just bitching about. This coach I had who, used to tell everyone to stay away from narcissists. And in the end, like she revealed to herself that that's more or less how she is. And we're talking about this. Wait, that she was a narcissist to stay away from them. So many of her clients were coming out of the woodwork, like, Oh my God, did this happen to you? Did this happen to you? And it became this community of people who were wounded in this. We're having this conversation and both just like sharing all of our pain stories of this abuse and manipulation and what we went through and then all of a sudden I get a text from my uncle and he's just being so shitty in the text out of nowhere, attacking me for weird things and I'm like, where's this coming from? And then my client said, we've spent the last two hours. Feeling our pain, talking about a narcissist. Of course, a narcissist just showed up. Boom. Right. It's like, that is like the fastest example of manifestation ever. And then even just by recognizing it, I was able to put it to bed and not react the way I normally do. So there's so much power in just calling out our experience in the moment, as opposed to feeding into it. Don't you think? Yeah, definitely. And, you know, I feel like when we're Ready to expel that, you know, and come coming back to some labor energies is like, we can really be in some narcissistic circles, you know, without realizing it will absorb other people's points of views or thoughts or whatnot. And depending, I don't know if you know, your human design, but it's like, if you have an open cash, not an open crown, similar experience, you know, and it's an absorbing these distorted views. And so a very, you know, uncomfortable part of coming in as a Libra soul is like detaching from this, yeah, these projections that I feel like narcissism can really, I have a little different perspective because I feel like it can really attach to the people pleaser and in a way like we're people pleasing as Libra souls to keep ourselves very safe, to not rock the boat, it's like, well, if I do this, then I'm right. If I do this, I'm not, you know what I mean? Then nothing will come at me. And so it's like, can be this interesting enmeshment with these toxic relationships in that. And I do feel that when we're really ready to clear it and say, I'm done with this at whatever level or degree, you know, that, that you are entangled or entwined in it energetically. That sometimes they're going to come out of the woodwork. I mean, it sounds like you were pretty like, man, I'm, I'm ready. I did get into this coaching container, which was probably a great reflection to you. And you probably learned a lot about it, about really standing in your own, you know, power and your own identity. catapult you into that, you know, and made you more discerning instead of so open, you know? And I do feel like when we're ready to clear it, it's like these things will come up and somehow like you're in the coaching container with a narcissistic woman and then all of the sudden your narcissistic uncle comes up just like, Oh no, I see the shit. I'm so ready. Like, Bye. Done. 100%. Yeah, you're right. You're right and whoo, I feel like I learned a lot about what I don't want to surround myself with and also I saw just people that were hurt. I'm like, I don't want to create a space where people are hurt. I'm creating a space where people are healed and held and You know, I think it's important for us to have experiences like that because then we can recognize the people pleasing in the past, right? Like the term fawning, you're familiar with that term, right? So when I first read about fawning, I was like, Oh my God. It's me. Like, let's, let's share it.'cause some people in the audience might not know it. Let me actually pull up, the definition of fawning, is fawning a trauma response? I mean, it's essentially what we've just been talking about, right? It's like, it's a mechanism to cope with trauma, essentially by people pleasing. Sometimes if you grow up in a tumultuous environment, it could be a dangerous environment. It could be a manipulative environment. It's a trauma tactic. It's trauma response, right? So, you know, deers, if you see a fawn or deer in the wild, it sometimes will just freeze. So there's a freeze to it. And in the freeze, there's avoidance, right? You're avoiding conflict. Essentially, you're freezing to avoid conflict. You're people pleasing to avoid conflict. And you're doing it truly to establish a sense of safety for yourself. The question is, how long does it go on, right? Because if you feel safe in the moment and then you start to doubt, well, it wasn't really so bad, right? Because we're such resilient people. Like just human beings were so resilient. If we remembered how horrible it felt to like have a, deliver a baby, or get a tattoo, like we'd never do it again. We focus on the good, especially people who are generous and kind and loyal and sensitive and spiritual, right? We focus so much on the good that we talk ourselves out of how painful it actually was because we're so resilient and the people pleasing comes into that. And I would say one of my biggest triggers is when I've upset someone. When I did the work to figure out where did this come from? Like it's, I've worked on it so much where it's not as painful anymore, but I remember the last big hit was in 2018 or 2019. I was at a workshop and I raised my hand to ask a question, which I'm usually pretty shy about doing. And I was like, Oh, I have another question. I raised my hand to ask another question. The person leading the seminar was like, No, you already went, let's get somebody else. I felt like, oh my gosh, am I too much? Am I taking up too much time? And you would think, oh, no big deal. I already asked. But I was like, no one else is raising their hand. I'm going to raise my hand. But he wanted other people to raise their hands. If I keep raising my hand, no one else will. And that's a really good point. So I went to my hotel room and lost it. I was crying and I was like, what am I so upset about? Logically. This is not a big deal, right? On the surface, it's like, Oh yeah, maybe this guy thinks I'm full of myself. I don't want people to think that, but really what it came back down to when I was 12 years old, I was, I got in a fight with my mother and this is a sad story, but it's okay. I'm okay. It's been a long time. I got in a big fight with my mom. She left that night to go speak. She was the president of the Florida state massage therapy association and she was hit by a car and killed. Oh my god, ugh. And she was my best friend. Aww, yeah. So something happened in my little brain that said, If you hurt people, they die. Right. So my whole life I would have these horrific responses when I hurt someone, let someone down, disappointed someone, right. Disappointing people was really hard. And if you have an issue with disappointing people, you are setting yourself up for a very, Difficult life because people are going to be disappointed whether you intended to disappoint them or not. Yeah. Right. And it took me a long time to figure that out. Especially being in LA in my early twenties as a young actress, where the industry is defining. How great you are. No wonder I got cancer when I was in my twenties, you know, it's like just all this shit not being expressed, not being realized. So, I think it's no accident that I'm on the journey that I'm on and I'm helping women to not just women, right. But to see their power, reclaim their power, speak up for themselves. And it doesn't mean it's easy, but it gets to be right. We can let it be easy. The more we do it. Yeah, yeah, it's actually, kind of, you were bringing up Pluto and this is what's making me think about Pluto and here because it is that death and destruction and, but it, it's unfortunately, it does come in physical loss and the way that you experienced and certain aspects of it. And, but it is really about that death of like, what is in your psyche? That's like, Not really assisting and guiding you on being able to step into more leadership with it. And through that is to me, it's an ultimate assister of leadership and, you know, trans like. And it's in Libra, so it's like really transmuting those lower shadowy things in the Libra energies that are there and that's amazing what you've done with it. And yes, and you're just even sharing those experiences. It's like, Oh, I mean, this is so much of that, what I was sharing of that, the situations and traumas that happen through relationships and then being able to like, open yourself up to love again after such a big loss. And not feel like, gosh, when people not letting that subconscious belief that's so deeply embedded in you. I'm probably from past lifetimes to coming in of like, when the people that I love the most, they die. When I, you know, speak my mind, when I disappoint them, when I make them upset, it's like, they're going to leave. I just, yeah, that's, that's, yeah, it's, thank you. And it's become a lesson. It's become a practice because it, I disappoint people all the time. I'm human. You know, I try to do my best, but maybe a client wants to book more time and I don't have it available or whatever it might be. And when they express their disappointment, I get to go, it's okay. Right. It's okay. I get to comfort myself and them and they get to take care of themselves. So it's become a muscle that's gotten really strong and every once in a while it flares up and I get to go, Oh, wait. This isn't real. This is little Elysia slamming the door, right? And it's not real. And so where can I drop in and meet myself where I'm at in my early, almost mid 40s to go, okay, it's been a long time, honey. Like, keep doing the work. We think we're done. So I said that happened in 2019. There was one more that almost got me really bad in 2023. And I was like, yeah, it had been a while, but it still shows up. And in Buddhism, my mother raised me very Buddhist and Jewish, but in Buddhism, and I'm very spiritual, not religious, but there's a term called Sanzo Shima, which means breaking your karma. And when you do the work and you declare you're done. There'll be tests. And it's not to punish you. It's truly to keep testing you until you don't even notice the lesson anymore, until it becomes such second nature that you are so strong in who you are and how much you love, and how great that what you have to offer is valued in others. Mm-hmm And you just rediscover that dharma, that purpose on this planet. Like you don't apologize for it and you don't feel bad for it because you know, you're doing it from a place of kindness and you've worked through the shit, but it peaks out. Yeah, it does. And, I feel like each time. You know, as you're sharing 2023 and of course, I'm like, of course, you would experience that because the nodes were in Libra. So we did all this other karmic clearing, which I think for many of us, like really cleared out whatever other ways that we were really giving our power away and relational dynamics, you know, I just kind of did this ultimate purge of this or, you know, clearing of that karma in general of different all sorts of things. But, I had an experience too that it just shocked me and it was last, it was right after I got married. I got married in June and then in July, right after I got married, it was like the following week I was facilitating at a retreat and so it was like, get married, go out, facilitate this retreat, you know? And so, it was so wild because when I was there. It was like, my body was having this full visceral reaction. I'm, you know, we're talking about trusting intuition. There was such a big part of me that was saying, don't go on this, or don't do this. Like literally, and I was like, maybe you're just stressed. You just had the wedding, but it wasn't that, it wasn't, I mean, I plan events. It's not, that wasn't stressful. It was at my house. My family was here. It was just great. You know? And I tried to bail out. And then one of my clients who I love and adore who listens to the podcast all the time, she's going to, she was going, and I was like, gosh, if I do this, she's going to be alone. And then I didn't want to disappoint. And of course, everything happens for a reason, you know, and ultimately if I wouldn't have gone, I would have been running from my own. You know, fears of really stepping up and it was just a wild experience at that retreat and, and I've shared very openly about this, this person was a collaborator and everything was just reflected up in so many ways of, wow, this is who this person is. And this is really like crazy. And my body was going into full system, like almost shock in a way I was having. Fever rises. I was having really uncomfortable bowel issues. And then I would go to bed and get sleep and I would be totally fine. And then I was having to do a lot of nervous system regulation just in general. It was just like all those wounds of you're not seen. You're not good enough. I mean, it was like time after time at this retreat. Even to the last day when I was facilitating. Are you gonna be done? At three o'clock when we like started, it was like this very, and I was like, Oh my God, there's like 24 people here watching. And all of a sudden, like that little child in me was going, nobody wants to hear what I have to say. And nobody knew I was going through that internally. Thank God. I know what I know about regulation and just kind of talking to my body and the thought came through me right there. And just that intuitive higher consciousness saying, until you. See yourself and your power. Nobody else is Ray. So clam it up. See that you are a powerful woman. You have a very powerful message here to deliver and just share it regardless. Let that go. And right that moment, there was two women that were like, we actually came here for this. Not charcuterie and cheese boards, you know, and wine. We came here for this. So we want to hear this. We're really into it. And that was amazing. I'm like, how in this point in my life did I manifest this? But also no surprise that I did because, you know, I was, I guess, I feel like a lot of us get to this. It's like, when we get to that point where it's like, we want, I want to reach women really at their core. I want to, I want women to feel so seen. And these, these wounds, not to say stay there, but to say. Look, we've all been through this and you know, whether it's through masculine relationships or feminine relationships and these things deeply do traumatize us and even though it might be a micro trauma that isn't talked about in a way that like sexual trauma is these stay in our energy field. They rule our thoughts. They govern the way that we show up. And like, I really wasn't showing up in full visibility. That was such a mirror reflection to me of where I wasn't. And it gave me so much information to say. This is the work to do now because if you want to really make the impact that you want to make, you've got to heal this shit. And so that this doesn't happen anymore, you know? And it was wild. It was like, all of a sudden in the surface, I had a client that was very well known. She actually like blasted me on social media, said that I was spiritually abusing and I'm like, where's this coming from? And like you, it's like, to me, this is mortifying because I'm, I am so kind and just always giving. And it was like, this is coming because you've Put up with this. You saw it happening and you weren't trusting your intuition. You knew this person wasn't good for you. You knew this person wasn't good collaborator, but you didn't think you could succeed unless you had these collaborations or these people in your world. So in a way, a little bit of adverse narcissistic, but not in the way that we're traditionally taught is like, I need you in order to be. successful. And it was just a really interesting experience for me, but so glad it happened. And so like deeply appreciative of it because it allowed me to see just like where the remnants of past lives, my past mother wounds were really still sitting in my auric field and my energy field and driving, like driving, literally leading the show without me even realizing it, you know? Wow. Well, when you're on my show next week, I want to get maybe we'll go back into that a little bit more since your audience has heard this story a few times, but, we all have this intuitive power within us and there is no shame in recognizing I'm choosing not to listen to it. And I have reasons why I'm going to go ahead anyway. And what a generous kind. That's the one thing we're talking about. Compassionate reason, right. To go in and support your client and, and, and whatnot. Right. And. That feeling. Right. That's like. So, if we could bottle that and Sell it as like an electric shock bracelet or something? People really realize how real intuition is? Like we would be gajillionaires we would win a Nobel Peace Prize, right?




    Everybody listening has that magic within them, but in the end, it worked out anyway because she got to learn this lesson Yes, that is the truth, but don't forget the lesson is also your intuition tried to warn you. So if you were meant to learn that lesson, perhaps in a less harsh or aggressive way. You would have, right? Our soul wants us to learn perhaps more gently than our ego. Yeah. Right. But, you know, at the end of the day, our ego is here to keep us alive. The ego cannot survive without a body. The soul does, the spirit does. It's eternal, you know, so our ego wants to be the lifesaver and fulfill an obligation. For fear of not being successful, not aligning with people who might shine a light on us, but our soul is gently whispering in the background going, hey, we want you to make a different choice. And until we go through experiences like what you went through, sometimes we're not brave enough to truly listen. Right? And to truly trust our intuition has our back. And if we're meant to learn those lessons, We will learn them. We will, but we don't have to learn them so harshly and aggressively. I certainly do not get off on like spiritual brutality. Like I'm not here to, to learn things the hard way anymore. I want to learn fast and, and I say that with grace because of all the shit I've been through in my life that so many of us have been through some really hard stuff. So I think my soul signed up for. At the fast track, you can see it in my chart. You know, in the first 30 years of my life. It's like trauma, drama, let's get on the crazy train and now in reflection. And I think that's the beauty of getting older, getting into your late thirties and early forties and then beyond as we get to reflect and go, yeah, that was a lot. And I don't require that to have strength. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I mean, so true. And it's like, almost, I know I needed to go through that in that way. And it wasn't, I think also, I needed to go through it in that way so that I could see how far I've come. In my own healing and how I even process that, move through it, had the conversations, how I handled it, how I didn't even share about it until all the anger was transmuted, all the hurt, all the pain, because I wanted it to be impactful, not land in a, like, here's my wound on everybody. I really wanted it and I haven't shared every single detail because I don't think that's even necessary I don't want to bash anybody else For me, it was like I had to go through that so I could see how far I did come, how far I've grown, and that I was actually able to use the tools and that I had the emotional resiliency and capacity to move through that in, a really beautiful way that wasn't going to the old me that would have said, well, you suck. You're not good enough, so just like stop and don't go do your thing. And actually what it's done is since then only propelled me so much closer to I've been in this whole sort of being reborn again over the last few years and talking about astrology is like, I've had Pluto, my Mercury, it's been squaring Chiron. So not an easy transit to go through when it's squaring Chiron and bringing all your wounds. So the second you go to speak Mercury, that. Pluto's like, let's, let's like, do you really believe in what you say? Do you really feel confident? Do you really feel good? And then Chiron's like, let me just put your biggest wounds in front of you and see if you're really ready to lead in this way. And you know, it's just, when you see astrology play out like that, it's like, okay, I know why you're here for me and I'm ready for it. And it was almost like, I did declare it at that point, I said just bring anybody else up, like bring them up who's here that I can't see that's not really in alignment with me, you know, I just don't want that. And that to me was the last declaration. To God, universe, source, whatever, even my soul, like no more, don't bring me at this heart anymore. I'm done. And the wow thing is I feel like there has been lots of other, initiations around that. And like you said, it's like eventually you just don't even notice it. You know, you just don't even notice it. I can, as you were saying that earlier in the podcast and you said that, I'm like, yeah, like there's been several things that have happened that I just didn't even notice. It was just like, okay, whatever. Like an almost laughable at it, you know? And you get to be proud of yourself for that too. Every time you recognize, I didn't get like kiboshed by this lesson or the Sansa, Sanzo Shima. So keep being proud of yourself. Like we get to, it's, it's part of it. Yeah. And I want to talk about, because one thing that when you're talking about, is this like trust in that intuition or just like not having this play out, you have your moon and Taurus in your ninth house, which is all about that. Truly, truly following higher consciousness, you know, that true connection to, and maybe, I don't know what this looks like for you. I know you're, you know, spiritual, but not religious, but Even in the connection with God and what God means to you. I mean, this is like your moon is right there and it's like what feeds safety to your body. How have you been able to really cultivate that? Because it's there for you. So I know it's something that's been a part of your path. Are you saying specifically my, like my spiritual path? Like with spirituality, trust. Trust in that intuition, trust in that higher consciousness like and also how you have allowed through that, through these processes for you to feel safe in being visible. Visible in who you are, in what you do. Okay. Thank you. So my mother was very intuitive and she taught me that it was real. My psychic sense is just as real as taste touch. Feeling, seeing, hearing, all of them. Right. I believed that since I was little and when I was little, I didn't quite understand it as much. I would call it like witchcraft or I would write spells and just play manifestation games. But I didn't use the word manifestation. I said, you know, witchy, witchy stuff. And my mother had said to me. When I was 10 years old. That she wasn't going to live to be 50. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. So that could have played into that feeling for her, but that's not what she died of. When she told me that, I was really sad. I was angry with her. I was like, why would you say that? Why would you even believe that? But truly she was giving me a very gentle and graceful heads up, like here's two years to prepare for whatever's coming. Right. And I don't think she knew if she knew she wouldn't have crossed the street that night. So intuition has just, and then when she died, I remembered, Oh yeah, mom knew. Right. So it's, to me, it's just always been real. And then when I was 24, I mentioned briefly that I had a cancer diagnosis. I felt the lump. I called the doctor. There's a longer story to this, but, my doctor said, you don't have cancer. You're 24. Like, it's probably just a cyst. And I'm like, no, I have a gift of medical intuition. I see into my body. I see what it is. I know what it is. I'm not a hypochondriac.




    Sure enough, it was stage three cancer in my right breast and my axillary lymph nodes. And my doctor had said previous to that, and this is someone I love and trust, and she's a great doctor, but she, and she had every reason to, to assume that it would be nothing. But she said. And because I said no, and I insisted, and I listened to my intuition, what I saw, what I felt, I got the tests. It turns out, yeah, it was a really big fucking deal. And when I met with the oncologist, she said, this is really aggressive. You need to get this out or you could be dead in a month. Like, well, I'm really glad I didn't wait a month. Right. And I say that almost sarcastically, but honestly, it's what. Rooted. No, intuition is so legit. It saved my life and, you know, hundreds of years ago, even further back, much further back, we would hire seers, right? Soothsayers. They would come to the palace. They would come to the castle. They would come to like, it was just a regular thing before. And I do believe that things like, you know, astrology were, were hidden things like trusting intuitives were put in the back burner to listen to and trust these other authorities in front of you to organize. Right. It's like, if we, if we listen to ourselves, if we trust ourselves, if we trust the stars, if women gather, how are we going to control the narrative? Right. They needed to control the narrative. And so there it is. Right. So it's, it's just a part of who we are and how it's played out. How truly my spiritual path has played out in my life is it's just delightful. Honestly, like it is. My favorite thing. They get like star struck by movie stars and whatnot. Like, I think the coolest people are like the most amazing mediums and astronomers. And like, I just geek out, you know, about that stuff. Notice what you're drawn to. I've always been drawn to spirituality and I know that I'll be stepping more and more into it. And even as a business coach, you know, I call myself an intuitive business coach cause I just know shit, right? I'm a psychic business coach. It's just how it is. My clients are like, cuts, you know, cut to the chase. What, what's going on? Right? What are you seeing? What should I do? I'm like, it's fun for me. Yeah, and I don't know if I've I don't I don't think any of us at our age I hope that we are well on our way. I remember working with a coach named Bill Barron in 2018, and he's a business coach. And, at some point he had instructed us, not instructed, but he had said, Hey, maybe I'm going to start calling myself, you know, what was it? Some sort of guru, right? Like a business guru. Or, or some sort of seer and whatever it was, I'm not giving it justice, but I was like, hell yeah. Like you are so intuitive. Like he just knew shit. Right. And I'm like, that's one of the reasons that I liked that. I liked working with him because he did what I do and, but it took him into his fifties to fully own. Yeah. I'm like a really strong intuitive and people can come to me for that. And I think it goes back to what you were saying of just. Owning it, right. Owning your gifts. And when we don't own our gifts, it's usually surrounded by, well, what are people going to think? What are people, quote unquote, going to say? And then when we have a tendency to fawn, maybe it's our Libra soul or just wanting everyone else to shine. We don't necessarily want anyone to think we're more special or important than them. So instead of dimming our own light, what if we just remind everyone else that they are special and important as well? I love that. Yeah, it's something that's definitely not done enough in, in the world. It's like everybody's so closed off. Not everybody, but a lot of people are really closed off. And it's even, I noticed that when I pay really big compliments. How often people are almost just like, Oh, and I used to go, I'm not, I'm not going to do that anymore. And then I was like, no, that's who I am. Like, I would almost feel like I'm being too much, you know, no, I'm going to keep doing this just because it feels good to me. And if somebody thinks it's too much, then that's okay. They can think it's too much, but I'm going to keep doing that. Cause this is who I am, you know, it feels good to me. And I feel like we need to get. Collectively, something I've really tried hard to is take it in, really absorb it, and receive it, and not just like hear it, and then it's in and out. It's like, Really hearing the words that you said to me, even when you were saying, I was like, I'm going to listen to this again when I upload it, because I need that reminder. We all need that reminder of how beautiful we are, how amazing we are. And I feel like one of the things that as we're talking, it's like, you know, We have a lot of things in common, which I'm not surprised with, but, the medical intuitive and being psychic and, you know, like, I imagine it's very similar for you. You probably never took a course in this. You never, it's just, you are like, you are just psychic. And I think that comes with it. For me it's come with a little bit of, I guess you would classify it as imposter, you know, a little bit like I know business'cause I know business, you know, I'm not always the best in my own business and I'm something I'm really. You know, like practice your medicine, Ray, you know, but taking other people and really connecting them with higher consciousness and their intuition, letting that be the vessel for them that drives them, not their guides, which I love guides. I love our spirit team, you know, but our higher consciousness is really. What needs to feed us and move us forward and really reflect our what I reference is like our destiny timeline. And so that's where I feel like. It's such a big missing piece. It's like, like you're, is owning those gifts, but knowing that because there are a lot of people listening that are deeply psychic and deeply intuitive and they haven't taken courses and they just activate in them, you know, through being in our world or whatever, it's just like things just happen for people, you know, and it's a beautiful thing to happen. And I think it can bring in a lot of doubt of like, well, am I really good? Do I really know business? Can I really help people? Is what I'm doing really, really transformative. And I was sitting with this this morning and I was like, well, I haven't manifested this yet, this one thing. What am I good for? Like, you know, we have these resurgence of these things. Like, how am I going to be able to help other people manifest? And it was like. Well, look at every other fucking thing you've manifested, Rae, and you're just hooked on one thing because that's all you see yet. It's right there and it doesn't matter. And the people coming to you, they want to manifest, they want to create that centeredness, that freedom in life. They want to feel confident. They want to feel good in their gifts and alive in their gifts. And, or, you know, a lot of people really simply want to have six figure years, you know, that feels easy. Like, it's all relative. And I feel like, we can really shut ourselves down by getting in this, am I truly, truly good enough for who I'm going to serve, who I'm going to help? Or even if you don't do anything with those gifts, but you simply use them to accelerate your life, you know, you don't need to have a business or whatever. It could just be literally just to accelerate your own life or your husband, your children, your animals, whatever. It's, there's so much that. Like pokes at us from that ego. That's like, are you really good enough? Do you really know what, you know? Yes. Yes. Woo. So you're right. Just because we're intuitive doesn't mean we have to build a business around it because it is a part of who everybody is. So just let it be more. Who you naturally are. let your intuition be something that makes your life easier, truly. Like, it's a tool for your life to be easier the way that being able to see makes your life easier. Being able to taste makes your life easier. It's just a tool to make your life easier. So thank God for it. And when people are naturally intuitive and they're looking for refinement or they're looking for structure, I don't have any issue with anybody taking classes or working with mentors if it's So I absolutely developed my intuition on my own and through watching my mother and my godmother, but in 20, oh gosh, some point 2012 ish, I started working for a psychic teacher. And she said, because you work for me, I was producing video content for her and helping her with some initial social media stuff at the time. And she said, I want you to take my course because since you're working for me, I want you to know my material. And I was like, okay, cool. And there were so many benefits to taking her course. And it really opened my eyes to that because I was looking for refinement. I was looking for structure and what I didn't realize was. I was like, you know, in the, in the psychic wild west, I was like, well, if I, if, if I hear a message or I'm seeing something for someone, I guess I'm supposed to tell them, otherwise I wouldn't be getting the message. That's not necessarily true. A lot of people say that. It's like, no. So like there's discernment. I learned discernment from her. So, so find yourself a great spiritual mentor. You know, and you know, that's, that's, you are that person to so many. I am that person. I love shining a light on Anne O'Brien, who was that teacher that I worked for. She truly taught me the importance of grounding. Because I romanticized the idea of mediumship and spirituality and psychic work, I was putting it on a pedestal. I think it's the sexiest, coolest thing to be, superly psychic and gifted beyond what I, at this point in my life, have been able to tap into. Through her, I learned that my gifts can be even stronger, and I could help more people if I'm actually in my body. And I became stronger, I became healthier, and now I love grounding. Now it's something that I do, you know, I'll do a grounding meditation or just instantly envision a grounding cord from my root chakra going into the earth and releasing everything that's not there. Serving me everything that's in my way to, to just get rid of it and then replenish with light.


    of, of


    And what a great tool and another spiritual mentor I love is Ingrid Turner. She has a program called the Bava Spiritual Mission.




    Oh, Ingrid's just magic and she takes so much responsibility for her bullshit and she works through her stuff and everything we're talking about it's like she just, that's her jam, you know, it's like, let's get into the dirt and undo it, let's heal, let's, let's feel everything and I avoided feeling bad for so long. I avoided shadow work for so long. Because of everything I went through, I was just tired of things hurting, right? And I think that's fair. I think it's fair that if people have been through a lot of pain and loss and grief and physical stuff, it's like, we just don't want to hurt anymore. So then can we learn these lessons in a way that are more gentle? And I would love that to be the rest of my life, you know, but I appreciate what you shared. That you just fucking went through it, you know, at that retreat, and I hope that I'm done with the big stuff, but I think the last thing I want to say about it is, like, there are things that we're great at, and when you were talking about manifesting, right? I am really good at making money. Yeah. It's in your chart. It's in your chart. You don't have Venus and Jupiter in the second house and not make money. Even though I help people make more money in their creative businesses and spiritual businesses, and I'm really good at manifesting and I've been in some tight spots, right. Even recently where I'm like, Oh shit. Things are behind. Let me pull this in. Let me pull this in. Like I can pull in resource. That doesn't mean I learned how to manage my money. I have debt. Right now. Some debt is leveraged. I own a handful of investment properties and things like that. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the idea of having an unorganized. financial life. And it got really clear to me. It was like October 2023. I was taking some time off and I hadn't transferred money and the account got overdrawn and I was getting hit with fees. And I'm like, this is annoying. Now I have to transfer money, call the bank, ask them to remove the fees and all of that. And I'm like, why did this happen? I truly had no idea how much money I made, how much money I spent and when bills came in and out. It doesn't matter if you make all the money in the world. If you have any planets in your second house and you are not committed to understanding the resources that come in and out of your life, that will be a big lesson for you. And I hired a financial coach. And she said, and I have this post it here, if this winds up being a video, you'll see it, okay? The universe is not going to deliver a million dollars into chaos. No, it's not. I was like, oh man, because when I looked at my finances, right, I'm like, I have annuities. I have this. I'm like, I don't know what I have. I have no idea what I have. I have so many different accounts everywhere. Right. It was chaotic, truly chaotic. So no wonder I would have these big windfalls and make these big, big chunks of money. And, one of my friends loves to tease me that people just leave me money and. It's wonderful. She's like, people just leave you things. They'll like, even if they don't have money, they just like, Hey, you get my cat. When I die, like people like you, like people trust you. Right. It's like, someone's leaving me their business. I'm like, cool. So I have this beautiful responsibility. I had to clear the chaos. So if it's not money for you, if it's whatever it is, romance or health, right. Clear the chaos, take Unapologetic action and take responsibility and create time in your life to clear the chaos. Because having chaos is also a trauma response. Right? Our ego gets off on the ups and downs. The crazy ride. It might feel bored for things to just flow and be easy and be peaceful. But. Fully. I declare for this second half of my life. I want peace I want flow. I want ease if I want to have crazy excitement in my life, I'm going to do it in the bedroom or I'm going to do it at the theme park. Need to do it with my bank account or my health. Right. Or my relationships. Yes. I, that is such a good quote that the universe is not going to deliver a million dollars into chaos. And, you know, it's, and I'm glad you shared this because there are so many people that are really good at bringing in large amounts of money, but they physically cannot hold it in the 3d, you know? I'm a Capricorn Moon, so I'm a Cancer MC, which you have the same well no, you're Virgo Rising, so you don't, but I'm actually really good at managing and handling my money. And that's one thing that I'm always telling people. I'm like, if you even pay for me in mentorship, I tell people, I'm like, if you have good credit, get this credit card. Cause you get to cash 2 percent cash back and do this. And here's a great bank. You get 5 percent and like, always I geek out on like, where's, you know, but here's what I will say. And I was actually on a conversation earlier this morning. It was like, I even still have a 2015 minivan. That was, it was inherited. It's similar to you. Like people leave me things and I've been fortunate and blessed and you know, whatnot, and that way, anyways, it was inherited from a very dear friend who was like a mother to me and she died of cancer and much too young and, You know, she left me the minivan and a couple other things. And that minivan is never going anywhere. Cause it's like, you have five dogs. I need a minivan. I need a minivan. It was like, when I was dating, it was the funniest thing. Cause I'd pull up in my fricking minivan, but it had like hiking stickers. And I was like, well, at least the cool minivan. And what I joked around with my now husband, I was like, at some point, I'm going to lift it, put a lift kit on it and like, take it out. Cause we can't take it on road trips. The opposite can happen too and this is what I struggle with. So I struggled with actually freeing that up. I didn't understand that. Because I went through a little bit of debt in my 20s and because I saw my mother struggle so deeply with money and many women around me struggle with money that I went almost the opposite. As soon as I got out of that debt when I was 25, I was like, I'm never going in debt again. Other than healthy debt, like mortgage, house, I have investment properties as well. And I was like, I'm never going into debt again. And, so I had almost learned the other way of, you know, money as energy. And when we're hoarding it all the time, it's actually doing nothing for us, you know? And so I had to learn even the first investment property that I did. It was like my. Completely intuitively guided. You're going to do this. You're not waiting for that relationship to come through to start investing. You're going to fricking do this and you're going to do it now. And I was like, Oh my God. And they were like, and you're going to pay cash for it because you can. And I was like, Oh my God. Like that's good. But I couldn't wrap around my head that that cash. was only leaving my bank account to go into make me more money. Yes. It wasn't losing it, but my nervous system, my body could not regulate around. It took four whole months to literally go. And embed into my subconscious brain that the ego was just so tripped up that that was freaking gone. I was like, it's not gone. It's right there. You can sell that house at any time. And I wouldn't even rent the house out because I was so afraid that nobody was going to rent it. I have a rejection for four whole months. I did this. It can be the other way to it. It's not, I just feel that there's always a balance in it. And yes, I've learned to hold money and do things, but you know, it's also, you do have to have the opposite as well. You do have to know that money is energy and. It is responding and reflecting to our energy and hoarding just to feel safe because that meant I was safe in this life, you know, which was also just to me, just a flip counter chaotic relationship with money. As long as it's in my account and my account says there's You know, 350, 000 in there. I'm safe. And it's like, no, that comes from within. So it's kind of like, I just had to share that story because it's a total opposite, but not healthy at all. Yeah, but it's relatable. And you know, whoever's listening is going to be on one side of the spectrum or the other. And, my sister's a lot like you. And it's interesting because we had a very similar childhood, right? So I processed it with, Well, I'm not safe. I've never been safe. What's the point of having a savings account? You could die at any moment. Let's spend and have great experiences. Like debt doesn't matter. Mom died with debt. It got forgiven. Her kids weren't going to pay it off. You know, just chaos is the right word, right? Total, total chaos. And so as we grow and we get to look at taking responsibility for how we behave around the energy of money. It's a love hate relationship. And I'm going to tell you a story. It truly comes from love. Like you just said, it comes from within. Right. And so if. All we are is love. If God is love and we are an extension of that. Here having a human experience. Then everything we create comes from love, including money. Therefore my wealth comes from love. So if anyone listening has. A love hate relationship with money or a tumultuous relationship with money. You can call it manifesting or whatever you want, but it truly comes from love. Like anything we create in this world is an extension of who we are and whatever your ups and downs are with, you might have plenty of money or you might have a steady job, but maybe you want to go all in on your business or your spiritual business or your side hustle, or you want to write a book or you want to be an artist or an actor or whatever. And you're like, Oh, I don't know about that investment. Right? Like whatever that fear is. It's about doing that work and knowing you heal it through love. You truly do. And even as I've gotten better and better on my journey with money and organizing money, like now it's a game, right? Now it's like, Ooh, let's go open the app and click which thing I get to allocate. Oh yeah. I went out to eat. And another thing that I do is, two of my clients and I, because I'm very honest about all this stuff. If I'm going to help people make money, I better talk about my money stuff, right? So two of my clients and I, we get on every Monday on zoom and we just reconcile our finances for the week. And if you don't know what that means, it means you're actually tracking where your money went. So you go into whether whatever you're using QuickBooks or Rocket Money or whatever thing you're using, even if it's a spreadsheet, here's where all my money went. So that you're prepared for taxes we call it our fun, sexy date with money, which I think I got from Kate Northrup. Money book, and we put on crowns. We light incense. We light candles. It's like, and we say, what are we doing to make, like, make our money sexy today? It's like, Oh, I'm not wearing a bra right now. Yeah, me either. Right. I'm an HR nightmare, but we have a good time and we get it done. So whatever anyone is working through, just know that it can be healed with love. And I don't mean that in a hippie dippy, you know, kind of bury the pain kind of way. It's who you are. It is. Magic. You brought up magic at the very beginning of this episode. We are magic. Everything is healed with magic. And fun too. Even with the healing, it's like, you know, I kind of looked at it, even these experiences that happened and, you know, at first I was like, oh, why, why, why? And I was like, you know what? This is good. Life is fun. It's an experiment. So it really is an experiment, to the fullest. And it kinda, I feel like we can have almost so many people and this isn't to shame anybody or anything. It's like, it gets to be so serious and. We, we can make this fun, you know, and it's more serious. We are. And the more that we want to create the thing, it's like, I went through this forever in my business. It's like, I was so serious about that, but not anything else. That's why everything else would manifest, but not like my business said good, but it wouldn't go to where. Ultimately, I wanted to go because I was just like, hyper focused. I need to make this work. Meanwhile, everything else is blooming and flourishing around me because there wasn't that hyper focus on it. It was just like, cool. If it works out great, you know, but the thing that we hyper focus on the house, you know, the investment that I want to, you know, Well, it's not going to rent because you're hyper focused on it and I just feel like I love you sharing that you do this with your clients and have this like fun, funny thing and it making it light and not to make light of all of the shit that we've experienced. But also I do feel that many of us really truly. Need, and I'm going to say need, should, really the one time that I would say should, have more fun with all of it. And it just gets, because it does get to be fun. Mm hmm. When we're forcing it, when we're thinking, oh, this has to happen, this has to be this way, right? Whatever the one thing we haven't manifested yet is, desperation cancels manifestation. Right. We have to loosen our grip and leave room for grace. And I love how you said, you know, just like, let it make it a game as far as life, like the game of life. And I believe no matter who's hurt, who or what happened or who died, when before we embarked on this journey and we were wherever we are, I'll just say up there, cause that's probably the easiest way for our brains to rationalize where souls might hang out. Right? We're up there and we're on our cloud and we're like, Ooh, okay, let's go, let's go. I'm going to be this person and you get to be mom and I'm going to die early. That's going to help you with this lesson that you want to learn. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Now what lessons are on your list? Okay. We're great, right? And we have our soul group, our soul family, and our extensions of our soul family. We get down here, and we do our thing, and some of us are fucking cruel to each other, and some of us are only here for a brief amount of time, whether it's in life or in each other's life. And then when it's all said and done, we, we're there again. How'd you do? Yeah, oh yeah, I was a real asshole. Yeah, you did great, right? Like, I really learned that thing, you know? And so, especially within family, within close relationship dynamics, when we hurt each other, and I'm not making light of that, and I'm not making an excuse for anyone to be hurtful, but I truly think some of it is by design for us to learn and grow and have those experiences until we're done, right? Until we're off this rock, we've ended the cycle of reincarnation. And the only way to get there is through love and forgiveness, right? That's what the rest of them did. Yeah, and everybody has choice. It's like the soul's like, yeah, this is the lessons, but we always have choice in what we're going to do with it. You know, are we going to stay victimized? Are we going to really, you know, choose to transmute it and, and basically step the fuck up and who we're really destined to be. And it's kind of like where, you know, there's always that other end of the spectrum. And, Yeah. And I feel like it's so helpful to share that in the soul tribe, soul community way, because that really is, I mean, it's, we do this with our animals too. It's like, we have karmic contracts with our animals. It's all the same soul contracts, whatever you want to call them, you know, we're here to do different things with them. And even with those experiences, somebody that has had a lot of animals through her life, that the sole contracts that come out of my animals are easier. You know, I had a lot of reactive animals for a long time, a lot of sick animals, even the one that's still sitting here that was a little difficult. It's like transmuted. It's so easy now. I'm like, yeah, he's not like the happy dude, you know, which is a baby. He's just a perfect angel made of love. Yeah, they are. And it's fun to see it in that way. This was so much fun. I think we could really go on all day in these conversations. Where can people find more about you? And of course I will have everything in the show links, but yeah, where do you hang out mostly? Thank you. So a few places, obviously Elysia sky. com E L Y S I A S K Y E. There's an E at the end of my name. Don't forget that for sky. My mother is very creative and I have my podcast, the Brilliance Method podcast, of course, and through the Brilliance Method, I have a handful of courses. I will occasionally work with clients one on one. There is an application process. But if you're, if you are like us, as far as your soul is concerned, you're kind, you're loving. You're generous, you are sensitive, you're intuitive and you're ready to grow, then it's easy to get through the gates. My coaching membership is called the Emerald Collective, focusing on the heart chakra, growing your business and owning who you are truly from a place of love. It's very inexpensive at the time we're recording this, it's only a hundred dollars a month and there's four live coaching calls a month. So it's a very generous offer and I really love it. I really love hanging out there with my clients. So there's, many ways to get in my world. So just reach out and connect. Yeah. And, just for everybody listening I will be on your podcast. So that'll be fun. And, definitely catch out Elysia. I mean, so cool. I have so many cool things. I'm excited to dive more into your world too. Especially after having this conversation, I just feel like some old souls, some kindred spirits really connecting, and it'll be great to blend the communities and bring people into your world, thank you. Yeah, I mean, it's no accident that we're here. So thank you for trusting me. Thank you for trusting yourself. Thank you for saying yes and having me be here.


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