A masterclass for the woman who desires spiritual wealth embodiment

A transformative masterclass born from my own journey of reclamation, authenticity, and spiritual wealth.

The Catalyst is a masterclass for spiritual, badass women like you who are ready to step into their power, embrace their authentic selves, and unlock their energetic potential in both business and life.

Whether you run a spiritual business or not, if you're curious about how the unseen realms of energy, and cosmic wisdom can influence your professional life & money, this masterclass is for you.

In this masterclass, I'll share how I dismantled old narratives that kept me stuck with lackluster financial results, stripped my income in half, stuck in misaligned offers, and clients & felt like I had to hustle to get any sales - to completely rebuild my reality where I get to lead hundreds of women in becoming spiritually wealthy & be wildly compensated on the way.

At the start of 2024, I made a decision that would change everything: I remember sitting outside one early morning sipping my homemade latte, connecting with the soul of my business and my next-level self. 

I heard the words “Rae, if you want the abundance you desire, YOU MUST Go all in on yourself.”

What I heard was remarkable.  The message was clear- you’ve got to release every single person, thought, belief, and story that you are holding right now in this current reality that is not in the vision of your next-level self. 

I knew what this meant- I had to be bold. I had to trust that I was here to make a HUGE impact and this came with responsibility. I had to take a stand for what I believed was possible for me in this lifetime. This was INTENSE and I knew this was the moment that I had to start making executive decisions about my energy, my life, my money, my investments & who I allowed to be in my world. 

And, so the path of spiritual wealth embodiment began. 

I want you to know:

The exact energetic shifts I made to catalyze massive change in my business, relationships & money.

The relationships and stories I had to let go of to quantum leap (and how to make those hard decisions easier)

The insane results that came from aligning my business with my spiritual truth.

The reality of rebuilding a business from the ground up, including how I restructured my offers to create sustainable, recurring revenue.

The pivotal role that evolutionary astrology played in healing inside my business.

My experiences with traditional business models and why they often fall short for intuitive, spiritually-minded entrepreneurs.

The energetic and belief shifts that were crucial to stepping into my power as a leader and innovator in my field.

How I navigated the complex terrain of personal healing - including karmic & ancestral patterns, past lives and old wounds - within the context of my business.

The investments I made - both those that paid off and those that didn't - and what I learned from each.

This isn't about handing you a predefined blueprint. This is an invitation to witness the unfolding of a journey where business success aligns with the deepest personal truth. In sharing my story with openness and honesty, my hope is to offer you not just insights, but a mirror reflecting your own path, your unique challenges, and the sacred potential within you.

You have already sensed you were meant for more. You are meant for a deeply nourishing business that allows you to channel your genius, make a big impact in this lifetime, and be recognized as a spiritual leader.

The only question is—will you answer the call?

The date: September 26 at 5pm-6:30pm CST

Via Zoom


The CatalysT

Since early 2023, I've experienced what I can only describe as a dark night of the soul in my business. It was a period of intense challenge, self-doubt, and transformation. But from this crucible of change emerged my most successful phase yet, including my highest income month to date.

I finally embraced a truth I had long denied: I am a spiritual leader for women in their era of energetic mastery and a badass at catalyzing women like you, to step into their most abundant timeline. I stopped hiding who I was in the background and started sharing WHO I was and all of my gifts!

The results? Beyond my wildest dreams. In June, I got married to the man of my dreams.  The man I saw in my visions three years ago. My intuitive channel opened up so powerfully and my clients are blown away by what moves through me. I've welcomed in friendships with women who inspire me on a soul level. I feel safe creating from the 7-figure version of me, instead of the past version of me, and well, as a result, July became my highest income month in 11 years. 

More importantly, I felt an alignment and authenticity I'd never experienced before.

This is what happens when you go all in on yourself and believe in what you know to be true.

I am sharing all the WILD  details of the biggest transformation in my life in business in “The Catalyst” because I want you to know how you too can create this type of abundance not only in your business but in every area of your life.


The Catalyst is a masterclass for spiritual, badass women like you who are ready to step into their power, embrace their authentic selves, and unlock their energetic potential in both business and life.

Whether you run a spiritual business or not, if you're curious about how the unseen realms of energy, and cosmic wisdom can influence your professional life & money, this masterclass is for you.

You'll benefit most if you're:

  • Eager to understand the power of the unseen world where frequency and vibration influence your power as an authority and leader in your industry.

  • Committed to breaking out of society's constraints of accepting "good enough" & instead, quantum leap in your career or business - where your peers are shocked at what a different person you've become in a few months or weeks

  • Ready to learn more about the subtle nuances of astrology & energy that transform your lived experience & activate spiritual wealth


  • Investment? $77

  • When? Thursday, September 26 at 5:30-6:30 PM CST

  • Where? Live Via Zoom. A link to attend will be sent to those who register

"The Catalyst" is priced at $77

a number that represents resilience and alignment with your spiritual path.

It's a reminder that every experience, including this masterclass, contributes to your growth as both a person and a professional.

By the end of our time together, you'll have gained a wealth of insights to catalyze you on your spiritual journey as an entrepreneur.

While I won't be teaching specific tools or strategies, my experiences offer a unique perspective on aligning professional success with personal authenticity. You'll walk away with new ideas, fresh inspiration, and perhaps an innovative way of looking at your own business journey.

Are you ready to catalyze your own fearless expression?

Grab your seat now!

SEPTEMBER 26 at 5pm cst