How to Navigate Difficult Astrology Transits

Your soul didn’t come here to be a victim.

Your soul came here to experience the human experience.

And sometimes, that means moving through difficult astrology transits—which is exactly what I’m sharing with you today. I’ve been wanting to speak to this topic for a while and I can just feel this is meant to be a deeply impactful episode for you.

Having navigated a number of challenging astrology transits in the last few years, I’m able to share what some of these experiences could look like.

If you’re unfamiliar with what a transit even is, I’m breaking this down for you in a very tangible, bite-sized way so it makes sense to your human mind—even if you have no astrological background!

You’ll understand the difference between outer planet transits vs personal planet transits, the one planetary transit we should all be tracking, as well as steps to take to prepare for and navigate these difficult astrology transits. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Topics covered in this podcast episode:

  • What an astrology transit is

  • The “positive” and more “difficult” transit aspects

  • What it can feel like to move through difficult transits

  • What transits actually do for us

  • The difference between outer planet transits vs personal planet transits

  • How often you should look at transitory astrology events

  • The one planet transit you should be tracking often

  • How predictive astrology can make difficult transits harder

  • Steps to take to prepare for and navigate difficult transits

  • The best question to ask during challenging transits

These challenging astrology transits will impact us each in a very unique way. We can’t predict exactly what will unfold when these planets move through the various houses in your chart. But we can find a way to flow through them with more ease.

The best thing you can do now to be more aware of the themes for difficult transits you’ll be facing soon is to work 1:1 with an astrologer. To book a session like this with me, look for the Astro Activation session below.

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The Temple

Astro Activation

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  •  Hello Radiant Souls, Radiant Five community, Raechelle here, with a solo episode today and it is all about navigating difficult transits in astrology. How to navigate different transits in astrology.

    So if you are unfamiliar with what that even means at this point, you're like, wait a second, I don't even know what transits are. I will break this down for you in very tangible, bite sized pieces that are going to make a lot of sense to your human mind, even if you have no astrological background.

    It is a gift of mine, I have a Capricorn moon, and that is what I do, is I bring these concepts and make them make sense to the collective, to the humans in the world, all of us. So okay, what do I mean when I say transit? So we have the planets that are always in the same position in our natal chart. Those planets are exactly based on the time of birth that we came into this world.

    They do not move. They are always in the same degree, in the same place, in the same part of our chart. For our life, consider that like a unique DNA blueprint of you. It's like your astrological DNA blueprint. So then we have planets that are moving in the sky all the time. We all know this, like Venus moves, Mars moves, Saturn moves, Neptune moves, Pluto moves in the sky.

    And so as they're moving, they are transiting. That is what transit means. It's planets are moving, they are transiting the sky. As they transit the sky, they have conversations with the planets in your charts. At the time, in your birth chart, in your natal chart, from the time that you were born, Mars is always going to be in that same degree. However, Mars in the sky could be doing something like completely opposite the degree of your birth chart. So it could be completely opposite your natal Mars. And that is having its own conversation.

    That is called an opposition. And so, then it could also come around and it could come to the exact same degree. And your birth chart at one point, and that is called a Mars return. I don't want to get too heavy into what I'm going to call next is the aspects. But a little bit I want to share because we have quote unquote positive and quote unquote negative aspects for lack of better terms.

    As the planets are moving in the sky, they're transiting all the time. And as they have these conversations with the planets in our personal chart, they will be making aspects to these planets. And so they'll be having these intimate personal conversations, some that might feel difficult, which could be like a square, an opposition, and sometimes conjunctions,

    , these can really bring out a lot of intensity in our natal chart. Those tend to be more of your tougher, harder transits, there are other aspects that the planets make called trines and sextiles, and there's even some other subcategories,

    trines and sextiles usually make these energies easier to move through. It doesn't necessarily mean it's comfortable all the time though, so that's something that's a misconception that's often put around in astrology, like Oh, well there's this beautiful trine, well sure, Venus is trine, Jupiter, who are two benefit planets, two very positive planets, and the Zodiac, that is gonna be really amazing.

    If you have a conjunction, meaning that, Jupiter and Venus are on the exact degree, that's gonna feel really amazing, potentially. But then if you had something like Pluto conjunct your son, that's going to feel like a death and disintegration of your identity.

    It's going to feel like all layers of you are being shed and something like Pluto actually transits a placement for a really long time. So for me, I've had Pluto conjunct my natal Mercury for about two years since February of 2023. And in that, Transit, meaning Pluto has been bouncing on and off of my natal Mercury all this time in the exact degrees somewhere around their conjunctions can be with within zero to five degrees

    When they're bouncing around zero to five degrees. Creating this personal conversation. It has felt like a really big, slow disintegration of my, voice, my business, my leadership, the way that I make money, it's really placed very specific situations in my path, circumstances that were extremely uncomfortable because it was asking me to really step up.

    So it was like putting these circumstances in my path to literally say. When are you going to rise? When are you going to really lead? When are you going to really speak your truth? And when are you going to stop leaning on anybody else for validation? That your words, that they matter. It also was an acceleration of my gifts, of my spiritual gifts.

    And I've had spiritual gifts my entire life, but I can honestly say in these last two years, I have had this explosion of my spiritual gifts where the type of energy work and all of the things that I do are just. Transcending timelines. It's amazing what has happened. However, during that time, it has come with a lot of confusion because the planet mercury is about clarity.

    It's about,, expressing our vision. It's the way that we express our words, our truth, our writing. It's our knowing. It's like how we know, and it's created a ton of confusion and caused me to give my power away to, mentors and gurus and people that I thought knew more than me because I was mentor .

    so confused, right? And so you can just only imagine that something like Pluto who comes about and it brings in a death and rebirth, a transformation because where Pluto comes in, it really wants us to rise up into leadership. So yes, this was extremely uncomfortable and it still is because it's still lingering there.

    And then add this in, Pluto has been squaring my natal Chiron, so because my Mercury squares my Chiron in my chart, so square meaning a tension, it's putting tension, there, and Chiron, if you don't know Chiron, Chiron is the planet that squares where we hold our deepest wounds.

    It reflects our deepest wounds and they're the wounds that,, we basically learned to walk alongside with. We don't really ever get rid of them. When we start to learn, work with Chiron in our charts, we actually start to work with our wounds. We start to see like, what are our biggest, deepest wounds that often typically stem from childhood.

    And so you can only imagine as Pluto's going around my chart in the sky, transiting. In my chart, having this very intimate conversation with my natal mercury, who is squaring my natal Chiron, the amount of wounds, the amount of, energies and, subconscious because Pluto is the subconscious, and the mind.

    Also bringing these wounds up to the surface and then creating these experiences that I'm personally actually co creating, you know, because it's me living in my wounds essentially, like essentially what it's been asking me to do is transcend beyond my wounds. Yes, they will be there, but are you going to live in them?

    Are you going to let your deepest fear of rejection control you for life? Are you going to let yourself silence yourself every time you think somebody knows more than you? Are you going to back down? , from adversity for the rest of your life. Like every time I would feel really like in my power.

    Like I I'm rising up in my leadership and it would feel somebody really close to me might come in and maybe say something that sometimes was really big that challenged that. And sometimes it might've just been the tiniest little thing that made me shrink back down and dim my light. Right. And so these are the things that this transit has asked me to transcend.

    And so this is what I feel that transits do for us. And when they're in challenging positions of like a harsh conjunction, a square or an opposition, meaning like the planet is opposite the planet. So they're having this opposite sign. They're having this very opposite conversation and pulling you in many different directions.

    They're really challenging to deal with. And when you're dealing with these outer planets, that move really slow, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn. Center moves mid slow, but it still has very can have very long conversations, you know, and your chart with personal planets Uranus another one, and then if we get into the asteroids like Hecate and Persephone and black moon Lilith, black moon isn't an asteroid It's a mathematical point in the sky, but you get my point And so there's never a point in our cosmic field that we are not going through at least probably one challenging transit.

    I looked at hundreds of charts and I, I have to say, I've not ever seen this where it's not been one challenging thing.

    And sometimes co creating experiences in your external reality that come up as well. So yeah, how do we navigate it? These are tough and half the time, most, I'm really fortunate. I consider myself extremely fortunate to know how to read astrology, to be able to say, wow, there's something really uncomfortable going on in my life.

    And I'm noticing this happening for more than, you know, a couple of days. Like I, I don't, let me just. Back up because I don't actually look at transitory astrology all the time because I don't believe in giving our power away to tracking astrology to be predictive of, Oh, this cycle is going to come up.

    Like, how is this going to impact me? Cause the truth is you don't know how it's going to impact you. You only know how it's going to impact you based on where you're at. That's it. And you can't predict. Pluto. You can't predict Neptune. Like, you can't predict Black Moon Lilith. Like, you just can't. You cannot predict these things impeccably.

    You can predict certain things, like Jupiter going through the 8th house. Lots of people get inheritance when Jupiter went through the 8th house. I had several inheritances. You know, that's a house of death and rebirth, taxes, inheritance, and I've seen many other people have that.

    So there's some ways that we can be predictive with this. But, what I'm talking about is the emotional turmoil that we go through internally. I do actually look at what Venus is doing because she's my chart ruler and I feel like we should all know what our chart ruler are doing.

    But that's another conversation for another day. But I'm not like hung up on her all the time. I'm not like, oh my god. This, this bad thing is happening. What's going on with Venus? You know, I don't look at it unless it's something that's going on for a longer amount of time than I kind of want to know Because I will tell you Pluto hitting my natal mercury I never would have guessed what has happened in the last two years Never

    I was like, oh, I'm all for this like I feel this This is great but the longer it went on the harder it got the tougher it got the harder it was for my my body, the harder it was for my mind, the harder it was for my heart. You know, I just felt like I was just getting defeated left and right. And these were really challenging, difficult experiences that were happening for me that it just felt like every which way I turned and no soon that I would get that clarity, that mercury and clarity that I would get, it would feel like something would come around and just like slay it down.

    And Pluto would be like, Nope, death and rebirth. It's like those tower moments. Again and again and again. And these are hard. They're really, really hard to navigate. And so I'm, I'm going to say like, there's a way to thriving versus surviving and difficult transits. One, I'm not the astrologer. That's going to sit here and say to you, Oh my God, you poor soul.

    You had Pluto transit your son and squaring Uranus and squaring Chiron. So like your whole life is going to, it's just doomed, will there be changes? Hell yeah. I mean, I, uh, when, with the inheritances through Jupiter and the eighth, and then I had Pluto on my Mercury, then I had a Uranus opposition, I had the loss of my father, which occurred in an inheritance.

    There were changes, but we can't predict Uranus. Like I, you know, you can kind of get some themes through a house, but the second you think you can predict some of these planets is the second you're just trying to go into control. So. I'm never going to sit here and say that you are a victim to this and you cannot create anything positive in your life because these difficult transits are happening.

    What I'm going to say is, well, okay, you're going in and you're in a supposition right now. Here's what you can expect in these themes of these houses. But I'm not going to flood your nervous system because uranus already affects our nervous system enough with a bunch of fear mongering things that could happen Because I don't think that that is helpful for us and also I do believe the more that we fill our thoughts with Whatever these negative circumstances are our thoughts do create our reality.

    And that's the last thing I want to feed There is power great power In the thought behind the thought, behind the thought. So we have to be really careful what we're giving our energy and our power to so that we don't somehow create unnecessary ruckus or chaos in our lives. You know?

    You're having Uranus go through, say, your 10th house, 10th houses of career, the structures that you build, the face of the public eye there is bound to be some big changes in your life. In the house of career for the next seven to eight years. Does this mean you're going to lose your job? No. Could it?

    Yeah. But does that mean the way that Uranus works is it takes things away to give us something more prosperous. Right? So it's like, if you did, it's probably something that you knew you weren't really thriving in. You were ready to release and Uranus will help you strip it away.

    only to give you a better opportunity ultimately. And that's what I would say. This could be a time where your career is going to go through a lot of experimentation, potentially, like you're going to be throwing things at the wall, wondering what works and kind of moving through a lot of different identities

    and exploration, experimentation, unique ways of making money, you know, it's not always bad. If you had Pluto going through there. Say you have Aquarius in your 10th house, you know Aquarius it Pluto's going through Aquarius for 20 years So yeah, well, you probably go through a couple death and rebirths inside of your business probably yes 1000 percent but Every difficult transit, every planet that is speaking, something difficult into our chart or coming in, in a challenging place, or it's a quote unquote, challenging planet has a gift to bring us.

    So if there was sort of a death and rebirth in your career or in the public, the way that you were in the public eye, I would say Pluto is going through your 10th house. Get ready because this is the, this is a 20 years where you were going to level the fuck up. Like you're really going to rise in your leadership, maybe even rise and more.

    Public eye awareness, like really, truly claiming that sovereign leadership because that's what Pluto helps us to do. It helps us claim leadership. It helps us actually claim wealth. It can actually do really amazing things through the death and rebirth process that align us on a more prosperity, spiritually wealthy path of alignment.

    So what do we do in the interim when it feels like Pluto is doing what it did to me, to my natal Mercury, you know, where it was like. I threw so many different things out there. I feel like I just was trying so many different things in, in as far as the way that I speak, because it dismantles, it exposes, it reveals every which way that I handed my power over.

    It transformed my psyche, my subconscious and really forced me to face what I didn't want to face about myself. And with Chiron there, Squaring that like those wounds they were continuously brought up to the surface. It's like, oh god, there you are fear of rejection Oh god, there you are fear of getting cancelled when you speak There you are fear of like saying exactly what you want to say and then like nobody gets it and what's going to happen Like you don't escape this so for two years.

    I was searching for my voice my center my vision. I moved through identities I transferred I was transforming, you know, trying to figure out what is my niche? Where is my focus? What am I doing? Literally so freaking confusing. And for me as a Capricorn Moon, or for those of you that are maybe higher controlling people, a little challenging.

    But I found, for me, and what I find for anybody is to, yes, prepare yourself. Pluto's going over my descendant, your descendant, you are about ready to get a karmic purge in your relationships, you know, it's going there for two years, so just know, you will have a karmic purge in your relationships that's not going to be comfortable, most likely, it's going to show you where you held onto people that you really shouldn't have.

    Maybe even weren't good for you that maybe could have even abused you in some way didn't really Celebrate you or in a lot of ways put you down because that's what Pluto does It's gonna show you these like these things that you're not really seeing and it's gonna say like hey Ray, you've been surrounding yourself with women that really actually are kind of putting you down and you're not seeing this and they're not really celebrating you and they're even gaslighting you and Taking your power away when they're in front of you and trying to like boost their ego up around you and feeling completely Insecure with you because they're insecure of your power.

    How much longer are you gonna tolerate this? That's what it's saying, , essentially, that's what Pluto was saying to me around several relationships inside my business. And that's what Pluto would say to you if you are having a transit, say through your seventh house or, or an exact planet in your seventh house or your descendant,

    but it's going to say to you, where have you been giving your power away? Let's do something about it because it's time to set the fuck up and be you like really be you transform into your soul's highest evolution, highest vision of you in this lifetime, based on this theme. And that's what it does. So the best way to do this is literally to face it head on.

    The more that we fight

    The more that we actually create chaos in our world. So I want you to hear that. The more you fight these difficult transits, which even like right now, I'm recording this, we're in a Mars retrograde. That's been really difficult for a lot of people because Mars affects the body.

    Tremendously, Mars is a personal planet. It affects our energy. It is like our, how we amplify energy to go get shit done. It's how we take action into the world, right? It's been in this feminine, you know, emotional sign of cancer, which it is just totally not happy in, in the first place.

    It's like, I don't got time to feel the feels. I don't have time to flow with my emotions day by day. This day I feel like I'm on a high, so this day I can do stuff, but this day , I'm in a low and I just want to crawl up. It's like, Mars is like, fuck that, I need to get shit done, let's go. It's not happy in this, placement.

    And it's actually creating a lot of heavy energy for a lot of people. A lot of people are feeling this. It's like, Slow down. It's stagnation. But the more we fight it and we don't do what Mars is actually asking us to do, which is to go inward, and in Cancer, how are we using our energy? How are we actually, like, reserving, preserving our energy?

    How are we going into over giving, over nurturing, over caretaking, trying to control everybody's outcome in all the different ways, trying to control our own outcome in many different ways. This is what Mars and Cancer is asking us to do, like re evaluate this. It's in retrograde. If we go and we fight this, we are going to create , so much more inner turmoil for ourselves.

    Cause things are literally slow for many people. And so we're gonna feel like, what the fuck is happening to me? I'm not, my offers aren't good, people aren't buying, I'm not doing this right. I feel so tired all the time. Why am I feeling tired like this? Am I depressed?

    It's not like what's going on with me. I don't understand this. I thought I fought all this off and I was never going to feel like I didn't have capacity or energy again. I thought it was beyond this. And we start to spin and we start to go down rabbit holes and think there's something wrong with us whole vicious cycle that starts to happen.

    And so, if we surrender and get smart, and this is why I feel so privileged to know astrology, so privileged to work with astrology. I love the Temple Collective, which is going through a rebrand here soon, but, that collective is ex this is what I do, is I riff on this so that the women inside here go, Oh, okay, Yarnus went direct yesterday.

    That's why I'm so freaking tired because uranus, boy, it packs a punch when it goes retrograde, when it goes direct. It's a lot of energy moving through our bodies. Oh, okay. This is why I feel like I had to take three naps. Because there was new energies shifting in my body and this powerful planet, Uranus, was affecting my nervous system and I just needed to sleep and just detox from everything.

    Oh, okay. I get it. I get it. But when we fight these things, especially when we're having longer transits in our charts, , through these planets, that can be a little challenging, and our personal planets can make challenges. Like Venus and the sun, but they're typically quicker, so we might not notice it as much, you might notice more of like, Venus square Pluto or the sun square Pluto for a couple of days or the sun conjunct Pluto, you'll notice that because it's going to feel really intense for a couple of days, maybe a week, and that might drive you to look at it, but oftentimes they're typically quicker.

    So, you know, but the ones that you're going to feel are these bigger, planets that are sitting there lingering for quite a while. And we got to face these head on truthfully and try not to get into over prediction or trying to figure it out and surrender to it because whatever's happening is happening for us.

    Always, always happening for us. So It's best to just embrace these transits and go, okay, I see you. Okay. Interesting. I know you're here. I know you're going to happen. This is an invitation to go toward you with courage, with an open heart, with open eyes to receive the guidance of whatever. You are sharing with me, this would be a great time to get in the room with a really gifted astrologer that is actually skilled at helping you transmute energy and elevate into higher consciousness and really help you receive the optimal guidance from these difficult Transits so that you can raise and elevate your internal wisdom.

    So I say listen, listen, listen What are they saying to you? Look at what's being shown to you. Don't rush this energy because this is a time to really revamp so that when it goes direct and things start to speed up, we're going to have more clarity.

    We're going to know how to take better aligned action. But if we don't listen and then we go and just take that action and it's not aligned when we had this time to really get an alignment, it's going to feel like it's all sticky and all mucky and all over the place. And then we're going to have to go back in and redo it.

    So these really are good things, but in the interim, it might feel like you're pummeled, brought to metaphorical, or even like your actual knees. I mean, this transit for me, you know, Pluto and my Mercury squaring Chiron, I have had insanely traumatic moments. And this has not been easy for me over the last two years, but I will say that every single one of those challenging moments that happened because I was willing, because this is the work that I do, to face the challenge to face the circumstance and go, what are you teaching me?

    What are you guiding me to do that? I could listen and then I could surrender and then it would ease up and then I would just go focus on my healing, healing my energy field, healing my body, healing my mind, healing my heart. . Whatever it is that you're experiencing, I always say to remember it is a transit.

    It is temporary. This is not permanent. It is temporary. So you're experiencing this temporarily. And even if you have difficult transits in your chart or difficult aspects in your chart, say you have Pluto conjunct Saturn in your chart. Yeah, that's gonna look like a pretty hell of a karmic lifetime. , Saturn is karma, learning through lessons of father, depending on if it's a water sign, maybe mother, depending on what house it's in a lot of Trauma in the household with Pluto there as well.

    , I don't want to get too much into things because I don't want people to take that word for a word because a lot of this depends on your chart. You could take that and say, Alright, well this is how my life is so I'll just be a victim to this. Or you could say, You know what?

    Yeah, I did have a lot of difficulty and trauma and abuse in my lifetime and in my childhood, but I am taking that plutonium energy, which is really good at doing. And instead of letting it break me down and going down, because you know, when we have these continued situations that happen again and again and again, that feel really traumatic to us, they can break us.

    But we always have choice. Is this going to break me? Am I going to fall into this victim mentality? Or am I going to rise up and take my power back? And that is truly why we're here, right? We're in the human experience to experience. Everything that humanity has to continue to elevate our awareness, to elevate our frequency and our energy and to rise higher and higher into higher consciousness because our soul came here to evolve.

    It did not come here to be a victim. It didn't come here for that. It did come here to learn very specific experiences. We don't know how they're going to play out, but it did come here to learn not experiences, lessons. Your soul came here to learn very specific lessons,

    we don't know exactly how that's gonna play out. , your soul came here to experience a very specific chart, and that chart can give us a lot of cues, a lot of wisdom. I could look at your chart and pretty much tell you if you've had a lot of trauma, if you've been through a lot of abuse, if you have moved a lot as a child, if you've had a really hard time.

    Accessing your voice, I could tell you any wound. I'm really good at this, but that's not what I like to do. What I like to do is transmute those wounds into power because that's ultimately what our soul has come here to do. So when we fall victim to these cycles, when we fall victim to the things that are continuously happening to us that feel like, how can I take One more thing that's when you have to sit and say what are you teaching me?

    What are you guiding me here? What is the ultimate lesson that I'm here to learn and sometimes these transits can result in a lot of physical loss like a lot of deaths physical deaths how do we navigate that? How do we say, what are you teaching me when we've lost person after person or animal after animal and we've had these really hard years

    and I'm gonna say to you, there's still wisdom in this. There's always wisdom in every loss. And with every loss, I have personally experienced a lot of loss in my life. I have Pluto in my ascendant, so it's just a natural thing that happens. And over the last eight years, I've experienced an exceptional amount, because Uranus was going through my eighth house, and also, , a lot of other things that I've spoken about.

    But they always taught me so much. And in the end, I have made peace with death. I have made peace with the transition, that this is what happens. And because I surrender to death and I surrender to transition, it doesn't hold a grip on me where I feel like I'm out of control with it. And that is a lesson in itself, you know, and sometimes maybe that is the lesson to loosen up control, to loosen the grip on life,

    okay, you've had a lot of loss. Well, guess what? Life is very temporary. So what are you going to do to savor it? What are you going to do to go out and experience it and go create joy and create love and go find that partner, you know, is out there for you, but you've been holding back.

    What are you going to do? Are you going to sit back? Maybe there's hobbies you're ready to take part in, but you've just been holding back death will still give you some sort of lesson in these things. Sometimes it's the deepening awareness of the death process.

    Sometimes it's literally just to experience that so that you could be cracked open to feel because maybe you're somebody who never feels. Then death comes along and knocks at your door and suddenly you're like, I have to feel it all and this feels like I'm going to die. But feeling is a good thing.

    In every single thing, there is a lesson. There's something we can extract from it. And maybe lesson isn't always the best word because I think it has a negative connotation to it, but there's wisdom. There's magic in everything that we experience. So to sum this up, how do we navigate difficult transits?

    We surrender and we trust and we go in with faith and believe that whatever happens is happening for you, not to you. And that you with unwavering trust, because you are alive now and you have gotten through more things than you can probably even count on two hands, you too will get through this as well, that transits are temporary. And if you surrender and you listen to the magic, listen to the wisdom that's here, you will flow through this

    let what gets stripped away, go away. Don't fight it. Let what comes up to the surface. To feel, to feel it. Let yourself go with it. , whatever is happening, be with it and go with it. Now, that said, I'm not saying be passive, because, for example, if I was passive with Pluto and my Mercury,

    I probably would have quit my business to be perfectly honest. And because it was so uncomfortable and how things happened and all the things that got stripped away and all the deaths and rebirths that I had to go through in this was so much, it was really hard. And I probably would have quit if I were passive.

    By surrender. I mean, be in flow of the energy, but don't not take aligned action, listen, and then take action, but don't take action to try to control your external circumstance. Always listen first, always take this as a point to go into higher consciousness. What am I to do with this?

    Sometimes it might be go for a hike. Sometimes it might be, you know what you've been holding back, go birth that new offer, go revamp your business model, go be brave and start a podcast.

    Go be brave and write that book because the more that you hold back on that, the more difficult and challenging it's going to feel. The more it's going to trap in your body and make it uncomfortable. So I hope this podcast was helpful. I love you all. And if you want, to learn more about navigating difficult transits, I suggest getting the temple.

    I have some changes happening inside the temple, so stay tuned, but it's a beautiful community where I share downloads on all of the transits, both positive and difficult, how to navigate them. I work with a lot of ritual, a lot of sacred ritual. So that we cement these energies into our body very sacred practices that I share inside the community I also host monthly workshops master classes There's a Q& A day where you get to hop in and ask me any question you want.

    No  topic is off the table I go all different places in the quantum field all different places. Not just astrology. I mean there are questions about past lives, about our energy field, about, , connections with, past timelines, closing timelines, you know, releasing anger, feeling emotions, feminine energetics.

    People ask business questions. There's no topic off the table. It really is a beautiful community and you can join. There's no obligation. You can join and cancel anytime. And if you love it, you can become an annual member. And if you're an annual member, you get all of my existing, Masterclasses that I put out to the public for free and you get discounts to one to one sessions.

    And then if that's not for you and you just want to dive deeper into this and go, Ray, I'm feeling like kind of fucked up. Or maybe you're just really feeling that there's something wanting to birth in you like really expensive energy coming for you and you want to know what's coming up for you.

    Book an astral activation session because that's where we can dive into this more intrinsically and see like what is happening for you, what's going on for you. And if you need energy work, if you need assistance, frequency elevation energy recoding, we can do it all in that session as well.

    So I love you and I hope that you found this helpful and impactful.


The Nodes of Fate & Past Life Hypnosis w/ Vika Bradford


The Key to Finally Tapping Into Abundance