The Key to Finally Tapping Into Abundance
Abundance codes are about so much more than money!
Yes, tapping into abundance will bring in more money—but—I want to share what else happens.
I often have clients come to me wondering what their money block is. What happens is they hyperfocus on money, when they need to be doing something completely different!
In this episode, I’m sharing the one thing that’s been incredibly helpful for myself and my clients because we inevitably end up coming to this juncture in all of my 1:1 containers.
Initially, this was a recording I shared in my group, The Temple, but this message is too important and needed to be shared with you!
Whether you’re wanting to call in more money, the love of your life, better friendships, more aligned clients…
There’s a massive energetic component that needs to be addressed in order to open your channel to the abundance that’s waiting for you. Let’s dive in!
Topics covered in this podcast episode:
What the abundance codes are
How to work with money blocks
What glimmers are and how they support abundance
The importance of building and growing your capacity
The #1 thing you can do to begin to grow your abundance
How attachment styles reveal how you relate to abundance
How things open up when we release expectation
Why it’s critical to stay open to all possibilities
To be open and ready to receive, we have to receive what is already in front of us right here, right now. We have to hold that and then we need to be open and ready to receive what is ahead of us—releasing the expectation of how and when that's going to come to us. To trust, surrender, and take tangible, aligned action.
Make it a part of your daily practice to take note of what is going right in your life because it’s easy to get so focused on what is going wrong that we block all the things that are going right in our lives.
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The Experience - Join the waitlist
The Temple - Join for $55
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Hello, today's episode is coming straight to you from a energetic transmission, download, whatever you want to call it from my collective community called the temple. And if you don't know what the temple is, let me just share a little bit about it. It's a spiritual sanctuary where revolutionary astrology, energetics, feminine leadership, ascension all converge. And it is a very, To me, intimate, high level mastermind style collective where. You are coming into a space that is devoted to elevating your energy and your frequency to match your next level self. One that helps you anchor in your own sacred gifts, your intuitive power, transformative feminine leadership, and embodying Your sacred astro codes. I drop these amazing transmissions into this community several times a week. And this one in particular was around the energetics of receiving. I also drop transmissions around the collective cosmic energy, which I find so deeply impactful because when we are aligning with the cosmic energy, the cosmic weather of what the planets are actually communicating to us in the sky as they are moving around. They're always in communication to us in our personal nail charts, but also in these collective energies, they actually really, uh, have a huge impact on our day to day lives, our daily energy, our emotional landscape. They bring a lot of insight into what, different themes we are actually, Being asked to navigate and explore in our lives and why this is so impactful is that when we're in flow with this, we actually save a lot of energy. We save a lot of time and we ease a ton of frustration because we have clarity. On perhaps it's like a really challenging week where your energy is super low and you know what's happening in the sky and you're like, okay, I know what's happening right now. And this is just a season. And then next week, maybe the energy comes up and we have this. Clarity that's coming through. So I love this community and I feel like we're in such an extraordinary time of transformation and an era where energy and frequency are shifting at unprecedented pace and people are awakening to the power of astrology and our connection to higher consciousness is evolving in ways never before experienced. And this is a total new paradigm. 2025, we have so many planets shifting into new signs, new frequencies of energies that we are all currently all ready starting to adjust to. And the beautiful thing about this is that I feel like where we've gone collectively, where we're heading towards is that we truly have the power to recode anything we desire. And what this does is it really creates the It's the unlocking of rapid breakthroughs and the fraction of a time that it once took before where I truly feel like the word heal is fading into the past as we are stepping into a future wave where our wounds are no longer defining us. They are portals of infinite power, untapped potential and boundless possibility. And this is why I love the temple it truly is for the misfits, the rebels, the change makers. You don't have to be an entrepreneur to enjoy the bountiful benefits of this container. However, there are many entrepreneurs in this container, but there are several that are not. And there really are just here because they want to take full reigns and lead their fricking life. They really want to elevate their frequency and their energy and tap into a lot of feminine energetics, which is a lot about what this transmission is on is receiving. So if you love this transmission, if you like, Tapping into conversations this way. And you want to be a part of a very affordable container in which you also get one to one insight, which is like unheard of at the cost of a container like this, um, usually it's group. It's just downloads. There's really not even much interaction, but my mission is really, truly to create portals and containers that everyone can come together, that are Anybody, no matter what price point you are at in that you can have information accessible and receive guidance that can actually truly help you shift energy in your life. So I welcome you in and I also just welcome you into a space where. You really do get to embody your sacred astral codes and become the woman that you know, you are here to be. If you want to join, you can join through the link in the description. And currently through January 31st, I am offering your first month inside the temple for only 55. Hop in and explore. You have access to an entire library. I think there's like 10 or 12 energetic soul activations that are just phenomenal that you can binge on. Although I wouldn't recommend doing them at a daily basis. I would give yourself a couple of days in between because they're frequency elevations and they're clearing a lot of energy. So you want to give your body some time in its own ascension process. There are It's an entire portal of transmission similar to this, based on collective energy is based on astrology and understanding it more in depth and more personally, and also on energetics of all things. So I welcome you in. And if this is something you want to take part of, grab that 55 entry point. Through January 31st. And if you love the container and you decide you want to go all in and become an annual member, I'm currently offering a complimentary free Astro activation session. If you join and upgrade as an annual member by January 31st. So this is a limited time deal. So snag it, take advantage of it. I'd love to have you in. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email or find me on Instagram and send me a DM. Enjoy this transmission. Enjoy the energetic recoding that you are about to receive. I'm going to drop a transmission here for you guys around unlocking our abundance codes. So a very frequently asked question that I get all the time is, I feel like there's something blocking my abundance. I feel like I have a money block and I don't know what it is. And a lot of people get really wrapped down the rabbit hole of trying to figure out what money blocks are and they become really hyper focused on the money itself. And yes. Well, sometimes like we can create money by focusing on the money. Oftentimes it comes with a lot of mental burnout. It comes with a lot of like exhaustion and fatigue and scarcity and a constant worry about the future. Or, you know, when we're hyper focused on it, it's like, can come with a fear of losing it, a fear of not feeling safe with money, not trusting money, not trusting in our future. And one of the things that. has really helped me with this and all of the clients that I work with because inevitably we, we end up crossing this juncture in all of my one to one containers at some point because it becomes evident that there's something energetic happening here. And so one is like really healing on scarcity, our own scarcity and our own fears around lack and not having enough or fear of not having or even healing our relationship with money in general. And money is a result of our energetics, you know, 1000%. Like it flows to what feels safe to hold it. It flows to where it feels it can grow and prosper. And that's like a very feminine energy. And if you know, we as women in this container, it's like, we can relate to this as feminine beings, you know, We really thrive when we have like a masculine energy that that can hold our Creative energy and our life force energy and then that's when we do like the most magic If it's inside your business, it's having those structures, which is masculine energy or in your career, whatever you have it's like having those structures that hold you allow you to really thrive and you're most like, Really like opening up our abundance codes and you know, our abundance codes are so much more than money So I'm speaking about money here, but abundance is you know, you've probably heard me talk about spiritual wealth It is the type of and wealth is a feeling wealth is an energy As well, so is prosperity. It's a feeling that we feel within our bodies. And if we can't access that feeling in this now moment, it's really, really hard to hold it. Even if we have created a lot of money. It's like the feeling of this spiritual wealth, which I call it, that really ripples out into every area of your life. It's your relationships. It's your relationship with yourself. It's the connection. It's the way that you feel and thrive in communities. It's the way that you feel with, you know, your animals, with joy, with creating spaciousness throughout your day, no matter how busy you are, that you take time to really connect with the beauty of life, whether that is, you know, some days it might literally be all as you have time to do, or maybe you're going through like a really hard time in life and the only thing you might be able to do is sit there and go, wow, that sunset is so freaking beautiful. And that will open up abundance. That will open up the receiving. And I call these glimmers. And some of you might've heard of that terminology. I wouldn't say I've made that up. Um, I'm not gonna like take the, the credit for creating this language of glimmers, but glimmers are ways that no matter what we're going through in life, the hard days, the difficult weeks, months, years, you know, that we might have is this ability to take in and hold what we have. just the tiniest bit of abundance or joy or appreciation or gratitude. And sometimes it could be literally like looking at the sunset. Sometimes this is just taking note of your body and being like, wow, my body has done a lot for me right now. Like my body is still functioning for me. It's still doing really amazing things So these are like glimmers and what I found is that we actually have to hold our capacity We have to build and grow capacity to hold more prosperity to hold more Abundance to hold more love to hold more connection to home or money And we have to really grow our capacity to do that and that usually starts with like little moments throughout the day So if somebody was to say to me, how can I create more joy? How can I open up my abundance? You know, receiving channel, I have an abundance blog. The very first thing I say is where are you prioritizing pleasure, play, joy and your life. And if you are not like, let's get started on this. This needs to be your number one priority. And you know, I'm a Capricorn moon and Capricorn energy is big boss energy. There's many of you in this container that have a lot of Capricorn energy. So you can kind of relate to this. It's like, You know, like, working. Being on the go. I have a ton of energy and I generally like take a lot of my time and I focus on serving like creating in my business and creating a community and what can I share with the people? What, how can I make an impact? And so, you know, and I'm also really devoted to like a longterm legacy and that's very Capricorn Saturn like energy. And so for me, I mean, I just, I'm going to be really transparent and honest. Like, for me to cultivate pleasure and play, and again, this might depend on where, what astrological cycles we're in, prioritizing pleasure and play is something I have to really make a mental note to do. I can get really, like, grit down. Dialed in, hyper focused, a little obsessive, and I have to really say, Okay, like, even if I'm walking the dogs, it can be like, Okay, we're speedwalking to get the exercise in, right? Versus like, taking a moment, well, can I speedwalk and get exercise in? But also, look around at the trees, look at the happiness that my dogs have right now. Like, be really, really invested in this moment, versus like, what is ahead? So, The very first thing is really to, if you feel like you have an abundance block, if you want to cultivate more prosperity in your life, whatever that means to you right now in this phase of your life, whether that be money, whether that be more love, more connection, friendships, you know, whatever that is. I feel like all of this should be Like synergistically all combined, but the very first thing is to prioritize play because it is really hard to, for people to connect with us. And what I've noticed in myself is when I'm like really in that grind, my heart center gets closed off. My sacral gets closed off. My feminine energy energy gets closed off. It's really hard for new clients to really connect with me. I mean, those of you that know me are going to be like, Ray is amazing. I love her. Of course. for new people, it can feel rigid. It can feel like hard to tap into. Then what that does is that closes off money flowing in. And then it closes off connection. It closes off my creative channel my my like life force energy that pulses through me that helps me like really lead me it closes off Intuitive channels it closes off all of it. So, you know, that's the very first thing is like, how can you prioritize more play? more time for creative ritual practices in your daily life for me, that's It's huge. And it'll help you to know like what's happening in your sixth house of astrology. So if you know what sign rules your six house, which is really easy to do. If you look, pull up your astrology chart and you look at like the sixth house, look at the sign that is on the line of the sixth house. So wherever that piece of pie is in your natal chart, that is the sixth house. Look at the sign and that's going to give you a lot of information. as to how you can incorporate a little bit more pleasure and play and the type of routines that you will thrive in in your life. So for me, Pisces rules, my six house. And so having those rituals and time to really connect with my guides and ancestors and these sacred practices of movement of play of dance of just listening to music and letting my body move or just getting in touch with my body in the morning, through foam rolling or stretching and movement, not always having to be on the workout, right, the workout routine. That really energizes me and that is a way that feels like creative and giving to my body and playful honestly. And you know, so knowing certain things, around that six House will really help you, kind of pinpoint some ways that you can sort of structure your days that will. The funny thing is when I prioritize those things, you know, according to my six house ruler It's amazing how much more energy flows to me into my body connections Love, money, all of the things, the resources, what it's like magically, I'll be intuitively guided to exactly what I need to know or who I need to be with or who I need to connect with or what I need to learn, you know? And so like prioritizing that practice opens up these other pathways and channels. So that's first and foremost. And then the second thing that I'm going to really, really reiterate here. is if you cannot find prosperity and abundance now in this moment, you cannot create open pathways for it to land with you in the future. So if you can't hold it now, if you can't look around your life and find the ways that There is prosperity and abundance coming through to you in this now moment and really hold it in your energy field Be holding it in your body with intentionality of like, okay, there it is. I thank you. Yes, like oh my gosh Okay, and I'm gonna really soak this up and celebrate it even if it's not What you expect like We can't really have expectations like that when it comes to this. We have to really flow with what we have now and then hold space for that, really receive it, let it land with gratitude, appreciation, really holding it intentionally, holding it with our awareness and our connection. And through that is the way that other pathways of prosperity and abundance will flow to you in the future. And so it's really interesting because if Like when we can't hold What we already have it generates this feeling of one not feeling safe With the prosperity that's right here with you. So Sometimes what I'll see has happened is like you could have a lot and then all the sudden you'll lose a lot. This is where I'll see people like create a lot of money and then lose a lot of money. It's like, because they don't feel safe holding it in this now moment. And so it will just magically just disappear. This also creates avoidance. You know, and we have to not be in avoidance, which I really, truly believe when it comes to abundance, love, money, joy, because if you're an insecure type, a secure type, if you are an avoidance, dissociative, you will know how you relate to abundance. And so, so many people are actually more avoidant than they realize. And so they actually avoid it because it's really uncomfortable to maybe see what they don't want to see, you know, so they avoid it, but really holding space for what you, think in your mind, you don't want to see a lot of times. we create stories of lack that aren't really there. And so if we avoid, we're not actually seeing what is actually prosperous, abundant, that is right in front of us. And so, you know, or if we're insecure, we might always feel like, Oh, is this, Is this love going to stay? Is this connection going to stay? Is this friendship? Or what do they think about me? Or is this money going to go? I got to hold it. I got to hoard it. I just got to like be really needy and codependent on it, right? And so that again is a really good way to just repel your abundance, to repel your prosperity. So I love referencing the four love languages in this because it gives us a lot of insight to how we relate to abundance and prosperity. And so bringing this back to this, if you can't hold what you have here now, if you can't, acknowledge, if you can't face big out of fear of what you might see or realize, it's going to be really hard to hold that abundance and prosperity that comes in the future. More likely you're blocking it. It's going to be like a complete block. We have to be willing open and ready to receive at any time. We have to release expectations around how that receiving is going to be. Maybe this looks like you want to call in more connection, more friendships, and connections. And maybe you're like, I would really love to, open up this connection with this person or this person, they have a specific name and you're like holding this energy in your mind. And that is what you're emanating out. But yet maybe that person doesn't really feel the same way or it's not that they don't like you. It's just not like connecting. Right. One is, is like when we're hyper focused on one specific thing, it actually suffocates that channel. So if we're hyper focused on, like, I want to be friends with this person so bad, then that actually puts a lot of needy energy into that, cultivating that connection. Okay. Likewise with money, I just want to make this amount of money. It's like you're putting a needy energy there and it suffocates that channel, that pathway. So if that is something that's like, say, this is the year that you want to create more connection, more safety and friendships, you have to, you know, Be open and willing to receive it in any form. So take a really look at your mind's eye. Like what are you actually thinking? Because oftentimes people are co creating with the universe, co creating with our guides with very heavy expectations and they don't even realize that they are putting a very specific lens, a very specific picture of what that looks like. So then you're blocking what could be there for you. So when you're saying I want to open up to more connections and more friendships It's like of all forms that are the highest and best and most intentional healing pathway for me and connection that is really going to open me up to prosperity and connection and love and safety and nurturance. And these are the type of friendships that I want. The ones that celebrate me when I'm like, you know, creating these big alkalines, but also the ones that see me when I'm losing my father or whatever, you know, friend that I can like, you know, riff on, on all this ritual shit and call up and, you know, talk about these things that, you know, I might not be able to talk about with other people. Right. So that's how we would be more in like a co creative energy where we're not suffocating that. And then what we have to do is we open up to these ways of manifesting. So, I'll give you another example because money is a big topic for so many people. If you want more money in your business and you're like, well, I want to make 100, 000 this year and you're really focused on that 100, 000, but say, you know, the universe has, I don't know, maybe this year it's more of like an 80, 000 a year, or maybe this year it's like 150, 000 a year, but you're really focused on that. I want to make 100, 000. You're putting too much expectation and you're actually restricting what could be there for you, but maybe the 80, 000 years there for you, but like it's a year that you are actually creating a lot of structure and foundations that are going to hold 150, 000 to 200, 000 the next year, right? And so, We have to really be intentional with what we're co creating and how we're co creating with that energy and always know That even if you're like, I would love to make a hundred thousand dollars, but I also want to do it sustainably I also want to do it in a way that feels at ease in my body and i'm open To however that might come through for me So that might look like maybe it doesn't all come from business or your career Maybe it comes from learning how to leverage investing in stocks and investing in other things. This is what really got me onto the real estate pathway and also a big part of my journey this year is going to be focusing on stocks and other currencies and investing in and doing it so that, you know, I'm not having to have and completely 1000 percent rely on all the energy in my business all the time when I might not feel all the way on all the time to do that. You know, we have cycles and seasons and, you know, it's always like being open and ready to receive money in all forms in all ways that could be through inheritances that could be through like tax returns. This could be like opening up a high yield credit card that generates like a 2 percent cash back, which is something I do all the time. And I make, you know, hundreds of dollars every month because I put everything on there and I pay it off every month and I'm getting like four or 500 paid back to me every month or finding a high yield savings account. Right now the interest rates are going down on those a little bit, but still they're at like 4%. Imagine, you know, if you had all of your savings in there, how much you could make back every month on that. So these are all like being open and ready to receive from all pathways. And then to create all of this, to create, like say it's friendship, to create the connection, we have to look at with what is in, with what we can control within ourselves. Versus exterior because we actually have no fucking control over divine timing We have no control over when that hundred thousand dollars will come to us when that friendships will come to us We don't the only thing we have control over is what we can resolve to do within ourselves. So maybe that's like, okay I want more connection. Let me look at how I might be like Kind of caught blocking connection, you know, let me look at where am I too rigid? Where am I just hyper focused on work all the fucking time and not actually like Making myself like be open and ready and maybe not even going out Maybe not immersing myself in communities and networks to create that and if I am doing those things like well Do I have a hardness around me? Do I have a rigidity around me? Am I open? Am I relaxed? Am I leaning back in my feminine? Do I feel connected and if Those answers are no. Okay. Well, what can we resolve to do about that within ourselves? Well, maybe it's like going on YouTube and researching how can I create more healthy connections? How can I open up my heart to receive more love? How can I become more secure in my attachment style so that I'm not needy? And likewise, same with money. Well, how can I work on my relationship with money more? How can I work on feeling more secure with money? How can I work on surrendering to what the divine, what God, what, you know, the universe, what my higher self actually has in store for me that I might not even really see? And then also, so those are like masculine ways that you can go out and work on like, okay, well, maybe I do, if I want to receive more money, maybe I do need to open up a high yield credit card and consider doing something like this. Maybe I need to invest in something that, helps me shift my energy and open my receiving channel and actually dive deeper in this for a few months to where like, I feel really resource open and abundant and really opening up to all that is possible for me in this world. So we have to look at like, we can't just be like, Oh, I'm open and ready to receive this. We actually have to be open and ready to receive. We have to receive what is in front of us right here and now. We have to hold that and then we need to really be open and ready to receive what is ahead of us, but release the expectation of how and when that's going to come to us, be open and ready to receive it in all forms, trust, surrender, and then we take tangible aligned action through our day to day. Well, I want to hold more abundance now. Well, I better get myself out there for a hike today because I know when I go for a hike, I fricking open up to the universe. I connect with nature. I connect with the trees. I connect with my animals and that instantly shifts my energy and puts me into my body. Okay. Like that's something I can resolve to do today and now. So I hope this was helpful and. Maybe looking at some ways that you can, hold more prosperity. Now I feel like the number one way is gratitude, deep gratitude. Obviously you can probably get that right now, but it's taking notice of it on a daily basis. Like making this part of your practice, making this part of your daily regime of taking note of what is really going right in your life because we can get so focused on what is going wrong that we fricking block. All the things that are going right in our lives. And there is so much going right for us more than what we realize, even in the most hellacious moments when I have lost my father, when I have lost, a ton of friends at that time, you know, if I weren't open and willing and ready to receive the abundance, and I'm not saying I'm perfect at this, I have to really work at this. And so if I wasn't open and ready to receive what was right in front of me, which was this beautiful relationship with this beautiful man who is now my husband, I wouldn't have been able to create that relationship. I wouldn't be married right now. And that was hard because I had to lean in in that moment. I had to let him see me very early on at four months into our relationship. At this age, you know, at 44. I had to really let him see me and my most raw and my most vulnerable. I had to be willing for him to see me a mess and falling apart and not knowing what was going to happen. And yeah, there was a lot I had to be willing and ready to like share with him that early on in a relationship, but that also is what created the realness, the depth within us that actually strengthened us so much and what made me see how much of an integrity this person was, how this man could really hold me emotionally, how he could see me in the worst of moments and still turn around and be like, you're so fucking amazing. I love you. And so this is how we do that. And I get chills as I say that because this is how this works. And if we are willing and able to, to do those things, like we can And releasing the expectations on the universe so it can really give to you what is rightfully yours. So I love you guys. Happy Sunday, and I hope you enjoy this. Bye.