Astro (re)coding

Astrology + Intuition + Energetics = transformation & Activation

  • Energy Clearing

  • Karmic Clearing

  • Generational Healing

  • Clarity for you or your biz

I know you don’t have a ton of time, so let’s get straight to it, shall we?

Who is this for?

This is for the human that wants to take full responsibility and own their desires...

Who feels they are ready to explore their unconscious thoughts, beliefs & stories that are keeping them looping in old patterns, creating the same external reality...

Who wants to understand their energetic signatures, pain points, and sacred woundings…

And they're ready to dive into your sacred karma so you can release what no longer serves you and understand more about your purpose, desires and generational patterns.


Become the embodiment of your soul’s divine expression

Activate their soul's truth through sacred expression

Claim their repressed desires and clear any energies that are not in alignment with them

Clear generational patterns that keep their energy stuck in resistance

Release those fears of rejection, judgment, expression

Have a healthier relationship with their business, money, wealth, creativity & themselves

Get out of stagnation due to energetic karmic caps

Why are they so potent?

The energy in your astro chart is real. It is your cosmic DNA energetic blueprint. It is your soul’s expression.

You are so much more than your sun, moon, rising or even your venus or mercury at that.

Your astro chart is filled with unique energetic frequencies that are your codes to clearing fears, doubts, worries, issues with self-value, self-worth, money, wealth, masculine and feminine energies, activating your voice, issues in relationships, your truth, your expression and SO MUCH MORE!

There is energy in your chart that reveals past lives that could be keeping you stuck in certain patterns, the generational patterns that are to be cleared, the karma that you need to empower.

And, until you heal & work with these energies they will create an energetic barrier to your voice, your expression, your creativity, your intuition, your purpose.

All of this is needed for you to align with your desires. To claim them, speak them and co-create with them.

Your Karmic Imprints are real and they…

Impact your voice, your expression, the way you show in relationships, your beliefs, your relationship with yourself, your business, your money, your worth, your self-value, and your self-respect.

They can be the biggest sources of resistance, fear, unworthiness, doubt, and insecurity that mindset alone will not clear.

They hold deep codes for you that you get to heal with and embody.

They are sacred. They are yours.

They are necessary to heal through & clear so you can truly step into your identity, sacred expression, and sacred purpose.

There are two ways you can do this——

1) Schedule a session at a time that works for you


2) Book anytime and receive a recording with in-depth energy healing!!!!

Both choices are in the link below.

A little about me as your astrologer…

I am an astrologer who FEELS the energy of charts.

I am an INTUITIVE who sees, reads and tracks energy.

I guide people through the biggest changes and transformations in their lives so they can become empowered by them.

I don't READ astrology from the mind, I feel the energy of a chart.

I will not allow you to give your power away to difficult energies in your chart & will guide you to use them for leadership & purpose.

They are a huge part of soul’s activation and what the person you came here to be.

I truly believe that…

When you unite with your soul and the universe, you become a cosmic co-creator, manifesting profound transformations across every realm of your existence. It's a journey meticulously designed to align with your deepest cosmic desires and aspirations.

Your hidden desires hold the key to your power, self-belief, soul connection, and living a purposeful life.

Client experience

“I’ve received sessions from many seasoned healers, so I can say with conviction that Rae is a true gem. Her clarity in communicating messages from the chart is life-changing… I’ve upgraded my physical health, belief systems, and relationships in amazing ways in a very short time. I’ve strengthened direct communication with my own Guides as a result too.”


“Once again, so much from the Soul Alignment session hit home for me. The night I listened to the meditation from our session, I woke up at about 4:00 and my mind was spinning, coming up with answers and a very clear list of things that were ready to be released... including really deep core stories...I really really liked the images for releasing that you shared during the healing… they were very powerful.”


“Rae has a beautiful gift to really see and feel into the person she's working with. it feels so clear.

Her approach is more intuitive than I have felt before and therefore feels very alive and channeled.

She revealed things to me within my chart that others have overlooked that feel very potent and real for me and my life.

I highly recommend working with Rae as a tool for deep self-understanding and self-intimacy.”


“I continue to work with Rae because I am thrilled with the person I am becoming and can't even imagine what my life is going to look like a year from now.”


I've worked with connected, talented and powerful channelers and healers in my life, and my standards are very high. When I encountered Rae, I was not looking for a new person. But there she was. I read something simple she posted on FB, and uncharacteristically, was compelled to click on her profile and find out more.

My life has changed infinitely for the better since I have worked with Rae. From our first session, she connected to deep truths. In a very matter of fact way, she spoke to issues that have been lurking within me for a long time and put a voice to them. For me, there is nothing more powerful than that. She was able to identify pieces of the puzzle that have been present and even apparent to me before, pieces that I've worked on and explored, and connect them in new and hugely powerful ways that make perfect sense. All of a sudden deep truths came to light that seemed so matter of fact, it was like, why didn't I get this before? Well, through her healings and our work together, I did. I am.”


Realtor - Flagstaff Real Estate