High priestess

An intimate 6-month mastermind for the woman who is ready to reclaim & empower her soul's expression & become the spiritual leader in her life & her business!

You're here because you crave crafting a soul-aligned business that screams power, alignment, impact, and meaning.

You're primed.
You hunger for more.
You're through conforming to others' rules.
You crave clarity.
You're all about owning your soul's raw truth.
You want your offerings to pack a punch,
You're itching to conjure cash, enchantment, & impact with a badass vibe and energetic sync.

I see you, I've lived you, I vibe with you. I've got your back.


This is the process of how I created solid energetic foundations in my thriving business that has been making huge impacts for over 8 years.

A 6-month group immersion for the women who are here to:

Lead with the frequency behind their business

Reclaim their voice, their truth & their soul’s expression

Empower with Astro Recoding

Clear Karma, generational patterning & witch wounds that keep your energy stuck

Break through the limiting beliefs and energetic patterns that keep you in “good girl” mode

Release fears, shame, and judgment around sacred soul expression

Move with aligned action to their biggest, boldest vision.

Create a solid energetic foundation which leads to solid offers, content, marketing and $$$$

Energetically sensitive, intuitive, healers, and lightworkers, navigate the world through the realm of energy.

Relying solely on logic & the mind will only take you so far before you hit a wall.
Relying on others to tell you how they got from point A to B most won't work for you.

Because the way you’re meant to lead is unlike anyone else, and that realization can be downright terrifying.

So many spiritual entrepreneurs do not understand that business is different for us. They try to do things from traditional methods only to find they feel boxed in, limited, drained, exhausted and so this ends up in a roller coaster ride with their business. Showing up here and there and when they don’t get the results they crave, they quit.

This pains me because you deserve to be seen! The world needs your gifts, your magic, your expression and your medicine!

If your business isn't moving in the direction you desire, it's not because of strategy.
An aligned strategy is a byproduct of your aligned energy.

It's time to stop conforming.

You've got to create a deeper connection with your business.
You've got to believe in who you are and why you're here.
And own your worth, your value, and your abilities.

It pains me to see so many women playing small, toning down their voices, thinking they're off-track, and drowning in shame & perpetual disappointment.

Here's the thing:
You can't build a thriving business if you DON'T master the energetics behind your business, offers, marketing, sales and content creation.
It's not about some flashy gimmick, the likes or follows or a video that goes viral.
Trust me, those don't make the sales - it's the energy of the person behind them that seals the deal.

You can have it all- the messaging, copy, emails, marketing, social, website, and offers— but none of it will stick until you move with your energy first and heal the energetics that keep you from expressing who the f*** you truly are. 

I have tried it all. The courses, and the programs & spent thousands and thousands on high-caliber coaching. 

Only to find that the best way to heal my frequency, my Astro Codes & be the embodiment of my own medicine. 

This is deep work.
It gets to be cleared.
You get to recode.

You get to do it fast when you get in the room with an Intuitive Healer & Cosmic CEO who can guide you to heal your voice, your power, your purpose, your soul, your value, and your business.


High priestess

The time is now to show up empowered and confident in all of who you are.

In this container, you receive:

>3x Hot Seat Group Coaching calls per month.

>1x Soul activation session per month.

>Weekly telegram group support

>A portal of energetic transmissions on the energetics behind social media, content, money, wealth, leadership & so much more.

>Intuitive guidance and mentorship

>Astrological Empowerment & Human Design healing

Your investment: $5555 PIF or $930/month

VIP Option: includes 1 private call with me each month

Additional $2100.

Until you heal the frequency behind your business, You will create out of FEAR, STAGNANCY, LACK, COMPARISON, LIMITING BELIEFS, AND ENERGETIC CONGESTION. You will continue to create barriers to your business, your money, your intuition &your desires.


Your voice, your truth, your power, your purpose, your soul, your confidence, your value, your business

so you can EMPOWER THE GODDESS within.


In High priestess:

  • You will elevate your energetic standards.

  • You will reclaim your voice, your truth and activate your soul’s deepest expression. 

  • You will empower the goddess within so you can be seen and reconnect with self-value, self-respect, self-trust, self-worth, soul expression, and soul desire.

  • Recode beliefs around wealth, potential, and abundance so you can bring in the money, create the offers and sell with ease.

  •  Claim hidden desires so you can feel more excited in your life & business.

  • Identify limiting beliefs that are keeping you small.

  • Embody your unique astrological wisdom 

  •  Release existing energy cords beliefs, stories & experiences that are no longer serving you.

  •  Create alignment with the energy of your business so you can feel flow and ease within your business. 

  •  Reprogram your unconscious patterns so you can tune in with elevated frequencies of confidence, courage, and worthiness.

  •  Identify & Embody your unique frequency so you stand out from the noise.

  •  Release fear, conditioned beliefs, energetic resistance & karma, and generational patterning affecting your expression

“rae has a beautiful gift to really see and feel into the person she's working with. it feels so clear.

Her approach is more intuitive than I have felt before and feels very alive and channeled.

She revealed things within my chart that others have overlooked that feels very potent and real for me and my life & my business

I highly recommend working with Rae as a tool for deep self-understanding and self-intimacy & if you desire to move forward in your business.”

~Christina moses~

“All I can say is wow!

Rae’s soul activations are otherworldly. I had no idea how much generational patterns were keeping me stuck. The way she uses astrology & energy is like nothing else I have ever experienced before.”

Shauna Popjes~ Animal Communicator

“High Priestess has been nothing short of amazing.  

Rae absolutely over-delivered in this container.  Not only did I learn so much from the downloads she channeled on all the questions I had regarding my business, and my personal relationship and diving into how my astrology/human design impacts it all, it was surprising how much I learned through the others in the community.  

It was so great to have a group of other amazing ladies who were so vulnerable in their shares, finding myself in similar situations and learning through them. I had massive breakthroughs from Rae and her activations, and also from the downloads the other ladies shared.  It was truly like having a community of supportive coaches.

Amy Cloute ~ Trauma-Informed Somatic Breathwork Practitioner

“I would like to thank Rae for creating High Priestess and sharing with us her beautiful gifts.

She is truly amazing! This container was absolutely amazing! High Priestess has brought me to a new awareness energetically around the blocks and insight of my business and to be in this container with amazing women has profoundly impacted me. It was such a beautiful sisterhood, the support within this container was inspiring!

Gracie Navarro~ Spiritual Mentor

“Working with Rae has been so incredibly empowering and I’m grateful for the partnership she’s provided.

She helped me to see barriers that I had no idea were holding me back, but even better she helped me to move through them to find growth in myself and my business.

Rae is insightful, compassionate and so knowledgeable in accessing spirit guidance to encourage me to reach my highest potential. Her combined skills in intuitive development and entrepreneurship are exactly what I needed.”

Elise Padilla~Spiritual Leader